Gun Culture Not The Problem


The problem in American is not the “gun culture”. It’s the fatherless culture, says New York Times best-selling Larry Elder, the author of the just released “Dear Father, Dear Son.”

English: Larry Elder

Larry Elder

Appearing on WVON in Chicago, Elder said, “As tragic and horrific the Connecticut shooting was, the face of gun violence in America is not Sandy Hook. It is Chicago. It is Philadelphia. It is Newark. Most murders and murder victims are black–and live in urban areas.”

In Chicago, there were 500 murders, the majority in black neighborhoods and the majority of that was gang-related.

In 1965, 25% of black children were born to unwed mothers. Today the number is nearly 70%, with 50% of Hispanics children and 25% of children born outside of wedlock.

Studies have long established the relationship between homes without an involved father with higher drop out rates, unwed parenthood, welfare dependency, drug abuse–and crime.

Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton all had issues with their fathers.

In Jackson’s case, his teen-age mother got pregnant by the married man next door. As a child, Jackson was taunted, “Jesse ain’t got no Daddy. Jess ain’t got no Daddy.”

In Farrakhan’s case, his mother was estranged from her husband. She had a boyfriend, but had sex with her estranged husband. She got pregnant and did not want the boyfriend to find out. She attempted a self-abortion with a coat-hanger.

In Sharpton’s case, his family led a comfortable middle-class lifestyle, until his father abandoned the family. At that point Sharpton’s family fought poverty.

All three should know first hand what Barbara Bush said is true, “What happens in your house is more important than what happens in the White House.”

Does the pain of growing up without fathers make them see the world though the lens of a victim? Dos their relationship with their fathers explain why they act as if America remains as racist as it was before the modern civil rights movement? They they want–even require– an “enemy”?

The Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks on a radio broad...

Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks From the headquarters of Operation PUSH, United to Save Humanity annual convention. Chicago, July 1973.

Stunning … a wonderful read … a page-turner … a handbook for life.” Those words of advance praise from another celebrated author scarcely convey just how powerfully mesmerizing is the latest book by New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Larry Elder.

Released by WND Books,”Dear Father, Dear Son” is a personal memoir of Elder’s troubled – one might even say tortured – relationship with his father, and the astonishing outcome that develops when Elder, at long last, confronts him.

Says Elder: “A man’s relationship with his father – every boy, every man lucky enough to have a father in his life has to figure that out. My own father? I thought I knew him – even though he seldom talked about himself. And what I knew I hated – really, really hated. Cold, ill-tempered, thin-skinned, my father always seemed on the brink of erupting. Scared to death of him, I kept telling myself to find the courage to ‘stand up to him.’ When I was fifteen, I did.” After that, said Elder, “We did not speak to each other for ten years.”

“And then we did – for eight hours.”

The result can’t be described. It has to be experienced.

As reflected in the book’s subtitle – “Two Lives … Eight Hours” – one extraordinary, all-day conversation between Elder and his long-estranged father utterly transformed their relationship. It is no exaggeration to say the book will likewise transform readers. “Dear Father, Dear Son” is the story of one man discovering a son he never really knew. And of the son finding a man, a friend, a father who had really been there all along.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Larry Elder is a best-selling author and radio talk-show host. His latest book is “Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives … Eight Hours.” Larry Elder, a “firebrand libertarian” according to “Daily Variety,” has been the subject of profiles by both CBS’ “60 Minutes” and ABC’s “20/20.” His previous best-selling books – “The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America,” “Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies and the Special Interests That Divide America” and “What’s Race Got to Do with It? Why It’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America” – all have met with critical acclaim.

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Violence and Psychotropic Drugs

We’ve seen a huge increase in school shootings, murders and violence… and it’s only going to get worse.  We have an addiction problem in this country and until it is addressed and we get children and adults off these medications, it’s only a matter of time before the next massacre.

I know that when I was taking prednisone, I became very  paranoid and  suspicious of everyone. I ended up trying to tackle my husband from behind. It was very bizarre. What made me angry was that I had asked the doctor directly about side effects.  He told me there weren’t any — that it was totally safe.

Nothing could be further from the truth!    All drugs are dangerous. Educate yourself and tell those you love.

Heck, I can remember students bring guns to school for show and tell during hunting season.  No one freaked out. It’s hard to believe how much things have changed and the harm we are doing to our children.

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Porn Harms Campaign

National Awareness Campaign: Be Aware Porn Harms
July 11, 2011 through August 7, 2011

Pornography Addiction Treatment System -- Innergold Treatment System

Pornography Addiction Treatment System

Morality In Media’s Be Aware: PORN HARMS National Awareness Campaign kicks off Monday, July 11th with a week of activities highlighting the pandemic of addiction caused by adult pornography.   More than 70 national and state groups are involved in this four-week campaign, expected to reach hundreds of thousands of Americans.

A different area of harm resulting from pornography will be highlighted each week: pornography addiction; harms to children; the links between pornography and sex trafficking; and violence against women. More than 30 online events will occur during the month and hundreds of free subscriptions to protection programs will be distributed.

Activities for the first week include:

  • Monday, July 11th at 2:00 PM EDT
    Live Online Conference: Perspectives from addicts and the spouse
  • Tuesday, July 12th at 11 AM EDT & 9:00 PM EDT
    Web and Call Presentation: 5 Hidden Dangers Facing You and Your Family Right Now
  • Thursday, July 14th at 4:00 PM EDT
    Live Online Conference: Tools to Overcome Pornography Addiction
  • Thursday, July 14th at 9:00 PM EDT
    Webinar – Overcoming Sex Addiction: Learning the difference between fantasy and positive relationships
  • Friday, July 15th All Day
    Twitter Chat: Facts & Answers on Porn Addiction in 140 Characters. Just tweet using #pornaddiction at the end of your tweet.
  • Sunday, July 17th at 9:00 PM EDT
    Online Documentary Screening: Out of Darkness

More activities are listed at the website: Free posters for printing or website-use are available there as well.

“Addiction is one of the foremost harms of pornography. It is at crisis levels in the U.S.,” said Patrick Trueman, President of Morality In Media.   “It affects children and adults in very significant numbers and ruins many lives, marriages and families,” he added.   “Few pornography addicts are getting the treatment they need though there are many services available.”

Director of the Be Aware: PORN HARMS campaign, Dawn Hawkins commented, “The evidence of addiction to pornography is now so overwhelming that it cannot be denied. Porn addiction is affecting every segment of American society and the harm it causes is great.   Substantial research on pornography addiction can be found at the website

Morality In Media will not only highlight the problem of addiction to pornography, but provide many sources of support for addicts and family members.   Candeo, an addiction recovery service, as well as Covenant Eyes and Net Nanny, which provide Internet Safety software, will giveaway free subscriptions to their services.

“Addiction would all but disappear if the U. S. Department of Justice would vigorously enforce criminal laws against the major producers and distributors of adult pornography,” said Patrick Trueman.   “Attorney General Eric Holder must begin enforcing existing federal laws against obscene adult pornography now.   The political clout of the pornography criminals must be ignored in this time of national crisis,” he added.

About Morality In Media

Morality in Media, Inc., is the leading national organization focused on opposing obscenity and indecency through public education and the application of the law. MIM is leading The War on Illegal Pornography, a coalition of more than 100 national and state groups whose goal is to stop the distribution illegal pornography. For more information visit: