CISA Is Coming

By the end of the week CISA will be passed into law. Have you read it? There’s really not much to it, as it’s designed like Obamacare — granting a  government department  the ability to develop its own policies, procedures, rules and exceptions, as long as they follow  rather generic rules about collection and disclosure.

CISA provides businesses immunity from  all liability and antitrust laws if they share “automated” data — even if doing so is in direct violation of their own terms of service or contracts.

The “immunity” is written rather interestingly. Not only does it immunize businesses that share information about their customers, but it also provides immunity to any individual hacker that actually performs attacks against any US individual or business as long as they share “some” of their results with the government. The government essentially provides free reign for the creation of a new class of American trespasser/digital B&E, as long as they tithe the State.

CISA allows the federal government to collect  all digital data, permanently, to “fight terrorism.”

It allows this data to be used to “regulate” the  lawful activities of ordinary Americans, as long as the data isn’t collected “only” for that purpose (and since it’s collected to “fight terror”, it gets an immediate green light). This means they can create a database collecting every email relationship to ferret out personal details. For example, collecting political leanings and use that information to create lists of gun owners, gays, and foodies. The information can then be used to target them the same way the IRS targeted conservatives or Hitler targeted Jews.

One of my main concerns is that this will eventually lead to a US-based equivalent of the Great Firewall of China. The last thing the US needs as we head to war with Russia, and inevitably China, is any real or perceived  cap on our ability to obtain legitimate news from the rest of the world. We’re sure not going to get it at home.

The most terrifying aspect of the law is that it only requires the new government department to report to congress every two years, while the security implications of pretty much all digital activity changes, literally, from minute  to minute. Most tech security automation today is designed to auto-expire attack and hack filters within 24 hours. This means that by the time congress is able to act on specific implementations or changes, years may have passed.

Just remember: when Rand and Bernie agree, something is very wrong.

Watch Eagle Eye

I’m married to a sci-fi fanatic. We have more sci-fi movies that I ever knew existed and while I don’t mind having them around, I don’t always appreciate the efforts Shawn goes through to get me to watch them.

Admittedly there are quite a few out there that I do enjoy with enthusiasm but that is not always the case. So, when Shawn insisted I watch Eagle Eye, I tried to watch it. For some reason I just couldn’t get into it. When Shawn mentioned the movie to me several times, I knew it was important to him that I watch it. I made a couple more attempts and tonight I finally managed to make it all the way through.

Starring Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monoghan, Eagle Eye is part thriller, part sci-fi and part adventure. The story feels a little disjointed in the beginning. It’s hard to follow and leaves you wondering what is going on. About half an hour into the movie the plot thickens, mysteries start to reveal themselves. Surprisingly, I found myself riveted to the show, hanging on every word at one point.

Robert Horton writing for Amazon says:

The "cell phone thriller" is becoming a genre unto itself, and Eagle Eye should be considered a key example of the form. Frankly preposterous but compulsively watch able, this movie puts Shia LaBeouf in a mess of trouble instigated by a mysterious telephone voice. If he doesn’t follow orders, dire things will happen–although when he does follow orders, the consequences are pretty dire, anyway. Also being blackmailed is a single mom (Michelle Monaghan) receiving similar phone calls…

The movie is rated PG-13, which in my opinion is about right. My son watched part of it with me, though the violence wasn’t graphic, a lot of cars blew up and many people died in car accidents, the wrecks were shown but the people we not.

The mother (Rachel) quickly gains our sympathy and our support through her love and concern for her young son. The young gentleman (Jerry) takes a little while to warm up to. He plays a sort of lovable loser who just can’t seem to settle down, preferring instead to drift around from place to place.

If you are a computer enthusiast and enjoy your cell phone, this is a movie that will give you something to think about for a long time. You’ll never look at either quite the same again. I know I won’t.

Police Encounters

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

You’ve heard of the war on terror and the war on drugs – both failed attempts at social engineering. Today private citizens face an even more sinister threat, the war on freedom. The war is being waged in this country (not exclusively) on a multi-front full-scale assault.

If you are thinking, “Oh, yeah – here’s another nut, with yet another conspiracy theory.” You couldn’t be further from the truth. Just check out the daily news.

Examples Include:

These are of course just a few examples of the many ways local, state and federal government officials abuse their power against Joe Public. The news is repleat with fine examples of citizens rights being usurped by money hungry municipalities scrambling for matching federal funding; thus leading to the numerous DUI and Seat Belt checkpoints being established around the country. The stakes are high.

Busted: The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters

In today’s climate, drivers are more apt than not to have a police encounter. Knowing how to respond to police interrogation methods after a minor traffic stop can mean the difference between spending a night in jail and going on your merry way.

This video provides some excellent examples along with the reasoning behind their proper response techniques and guess what? They actually work.

The hubby being the dear sweet man that he is, makes regular 7-11 soda runs for me, especially during these hot summer months. The other night he was at a funky intersection in town; there is a parking lot sitting on one corner and someone leaving the bar was backing out into the intersection. To avoid being hit he drove through the stop sign without stopping.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, the police just happened to be on-hand. Instead of pulling over the drunk driver, the cop pulled Shawn over for making an incomplete stop. He felt a little silly doing so, but he followed the examples presented in this video he had just watched earlier that day. The police officer sent him on his way and for the very first time in his life, he drove away without receiving a ticket.

Knowing how and when to exert your rights is no trivial matter, it can affect your pocketbook. A ticket for running a stop sign can cost around $300 in California – a costly lesson indeed. Unless you are an attorney, you can’t afford to miss this video presentation.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse!

Additional Resources: