Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

PJ Media reports…

5 Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

Benghazi, Boston bombings, the Gosnell massacre, the Cleveland kidnappings, the IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ snooping on the AP, war games with Iran and North Korea, civil war in Syria…

Last week my ability to mentally process world events felt like a cell phone when the data is throttled – it was almost too much to wrap my mind around. Some days I fantasize about life as a low-information voter, not caring about anything more important than what some Kardashian is up to. Barring sudden brain malfunction, I’m not likely to experience that kind of apathy any time soon, and the fact that you’re reading PJ Media tells me that you’re likely in the same boat.

Instead of spending the weekend wallowing in all the terrible things happening in the country and around the world, I decided to instead consider many of the positive signs around us that all is not yet lost.  [Continue Reading…]

These people just don’t get it.  They thought out names like Tea Party, Conservative, Christian, 9/12… All they are doing is trying to put us back in our little boxes.  Give a name, stereotype us and continue on  with  business as usual.    Heck I’ll even go out on a limb and say the Republican party is already gone.  They just don’t realize it yet.

I’ll bet if you checked the demographics of those holding the reins at the GOP, they  are all over 70 and their supporters are in their 50’s & 60’s.  Guess what is going to happen to the Republican party if this continues?    It will go the way of the Whig’s.  They would have us believe that Christian’s are all against smoking weed for medicine, and it just isn’t so.

I know we haven’t lost America yet, because of the pioneering spirit that still dwells inside us.  People are preparing as best we can for the inevitable ruination and collapse.  Our economy is going to crash, the powers that be have done everything they can to make it so.  But it’s how well we prepare and stick together that will make the difference in the end.

It’s not about the Tea Party, it’s about freedom.  Either we are a free people or we are slaves. If we are free, then we deserve the right, as free thinking adults, to do whatever we want so long as we aren’t infringing on the rights of others.  Government was necessary to regulate trade between the states.  But government has never been our master and it’s time we put it in it’s place.  Get with the program old guys.  This isn’t the Tea Party you were looking for — it’s the Libertarian Party — the one that trusts people to decide right from wrong.

I just have to mention…

“We are Raising Constitutionally Literate Kids”

I don’t know where you went to school but we learned the constitution in school, the only thing we really didn’t cover was the Federalist Papers.  But I consider school a jumping off point.  Most people look at school as the end of 13 years of education, I look at as the  beginning  of a long road.  We are constantly learning and educating ourselves.

So, enjoy your kids while they’re young.  Work a little, play a lot. They are only little once, and  they have their whole life to learn.


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Make & Keep that New Year’s Resolution

January 1st is right around the corner and with millions of Americans making their annual New Year’s resolutions, most experts will tell you things like “go slow” and “reward yourself.” Mental toughness expert Steve Siebold, author of the book 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, says there’s much more to it than that – and he says if you follow this advice you’re guaranteed to make your resolutions a reality.

English: Two New Year's Resolutions postcards

What will your resolution be?

Whether it’s losing weight, quitting smoking, getting organized or climbing out of debt, everyone CAN obtain their goals according to Siebold. He says people need to focus on their thoughts, beliefs, philosophies and attitudes – otherwise they are setting themselves up to fail before they even begin.

Here is his top-ten list for people who really want to achieve their 2012 resolutions:

  • Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is. Winners have a “whatever it takes” attitude. They’ve made the decision to pay any price and bear any burden in the name of victory.
  • Realize that 99% compliance is failure. You wouldn’t cheat on your spouse in a committed relationship, so don’t cheat on something as important as your resolutions.
  • Expect to feel pain or suffer. Most people run into an obstacle and seek escape. Have a plan to push forward when this happens. If you’re not ready to suffer during adversity, you’re not going to be successful.
  • Don’t focus on how to do it, but rather, why should I do it? Why do I want this goal to become a reality? The intensity of emotion with which this question is answered will determine whether the dream comes alive or dies.
  • Get really clear about what you want to change. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight,” but get specific and say “By March 1 I want to lose 15 pounds. I’m going to eat well, exercise each day and get really committed to doing this once and for all.” Setting a timeline will help avoid procrastination.
  • 77% of what we say to ourselves is negative, so don’t give into the negative thoughts that the goal is impossible. Keep asking yourself how can I make this happen?
  • Feed your visions and starve your fears. The best way to do this is by creating a vision board. If you want to lose weight for example, cutout pictures of really fit people and tape them on a poster board. Hang the vision board in a very visible location. This will reinforce the goals into your subconscious.
  • One of the biggest problems is that most people have no means of accountability or a support system in place. Go after your goals with a friend or spouse and keep each other on track.
  • Avoid delusion and operate from objective reality. In other words, realize that making a change is going to be hard work, not a walk in the park.
  • Take risks. Don’t always have a “play it safe” or “stay below the radar” mentality. Without risk, there can be no progress.

Stop caring about what other people think of your goals. Psychologists call it “approval addiction” and once you overcome it to any significant degree, you are free of the psychological chains that bind most people from ever experiencing world-class success.

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War on Drugs Heats Up

Question: Why are the feds cracking down on medical marijuana dispensaries?

Answer: Because they can.

But perhaps, not for long…

Medical pot advocates sue feds over crackdown

By MARCUS WOHLSEN, Associated Press
November 7, 2011

Medical marijuana neon sign at a dispensary on...

Support Medical Marijuana

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Attorneys for medical marijuana advocates on Monday sought a temporary restraining order to put a stop to a federal crackdown on California pot dispensaries, claiming the effort by the state’s four U.S. attorneys is unconstitutional.

Plaintiffs asked U.S. District Court Judge Donna Ryu in Oakland to issue an order barring the government from arresting or prosecuting patients, dispensary owners or landlords of properties housing dispensaries.

Pot advocates said dispensaries in the San Francisco Bay area would start closing this weekend if a restraining order was not issued.

The state’s four federal prosecutors last month announced a broad effort to close pot clubs, in particular by sending letters to landlords who rent space to pot dispensaries threatening to seize their property under federal drug trafficking laws.

Lawsuits filed starting Friday in all four of California’s federal court jurisdictions accuse the Department of Justice of entrapping pot providers by reversing its own policy, among other legal issues.

Caught in the middle are the sick, the elderly and the crippled, who suffer in pain and agony, each and every day. In many cases marijuana provides the only relief available. Many patients have found the smoking pot gives them back their very lives.

One medical marijuana user was very close to becoming addicted to prescription pain meds, the doctors were prescribing them like candy to the patient. When she complained about the side-effects and new ailments the prescription medications were causing her, the doctors attempted to prescribe anti-depressants on top of the pain medication, to help her be more tolerant of the damages the pain meds caused. This patient was seeing five medical  specialists and was even told by one “medical professional” that they needed spinal replacement surgery.

Smoking pot allows this patient to enjoy small portions of the day, to smile and even cook occasionally. You can’t put a price tag on the quality of life and that is exactly what we are talking about here. The feds want to control our ability to enjoy life without harmful drugs with even worse side effects, up to and including death.

The war on drugs has run it’s course. The federal government lost but instead of simply conceding defeat, they are lashing out, sort of like Custer’s Last Stand.

We know the federal government is broke and looking for revenue sources, but to resort to outright theft is an egregious miscarriage of justice and must stop.

This so-called “crack down” by the federal government for some reason targets only residents of California, even though similar laws exist in Colorado and Michigan. A curious person might ask why  the sudden crackdown only  in California? Will California law enforcement agencies, such as the Tuolumne Narcotics Team share in the ill-gotten gain when they seize the property of law abiding citizens?

Where is the ACLU when you need them? Let’s hope that U.S. District Court Judge Donna Ryu in Oakland does the right thing by issuing a restraining order.  This is an outrage.

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