CISA Is Coming

By the end of the week CISA will be passed into law. Have you read it? There’s really not much to it, as it’s designed like Obamacare — granting a  government department  the ability to develop its own policies, procedures, rules and exceptions, as long as they follow  rather generic rules about collection and disclosure.

CISA provides businesses immunity from  all liability and antitrust laws if they share “automated” data — even if doing so is in direct violation of their own terms of service or contracts.

The “immunity” is written rather interestingly. Not only does it immunize businesses that share information about their customers, but it also provides immunity to any individual hacker that actually performs attacks against any US individual or business as long as they share “some” of their results with the government. The government essentially provides free reign for the creation of a new class of American trespasser/digital B&E, as long as they tithe the State.

CISA allows the federal government to collect  all digital data, permanently, to “fight terrorism.”

It allows this data to be used to “regulate” the  lawful activities of ordinary Americans, as long as the data isn’t collected “only” for that purpose (and since it’s collected to “fight terror”, it gets an immediate green light). This means they can create a database collecting every email relationship to ferret out personal details. For example, collecting political leanings and use that information to create lists of gun owners, gays, and foodies. The information can then be used to target them the same way the IRS targeted conservatives or Hitler targeted Jews.

One of my main concerns is that this will eventually lead to a US-based equivalent of the Great Firewall of China. The last thing the US needs as we head to war with Russia, and inevitably China, is any real or perceived  cap on our ability to obtain legitimate news from the rest of the world. We’re sure not going to get it at home.

The most terrifying aspect of the law is that it only requires the new government department to report to congress every two years, while the security implications of pretty much all digital activity changes, literally, from minute  to minute. Most tech security automation today is designed to auto-expire attack and hack filters within 24 hours. This means that by the time congress is able to act on specific implementations or changes, years may have passed.

Just remember: when Rand and Bernie agree, something is very wrong.

Overwhelming Opposition even from Syria!

English: Inside the Saint Thecla (Mar Takla) m...

Inside the Saint Thecla Monastery, Ma’loula, Syria

I’ve been reading “Behind the scenes: Media interview following a Senate Intelligence Committee briefing on chemical weapons attacks in Syria” on Dianne Feinstein’s Facebook page. It really is heart breaking, people from Syria are tell us it’s Al-Qaeda, and Ms. Feinstein says she knows better.

In fact she says,  “They don’t know what I know. They haven’t heard what I have heard,” Feinstein said. “I like to believe after 20 years, I have some skill at separating the wheat from the chaff.” She thinks we are idiots and don’t have a clue.  Who doesn’t have a clue?  Read what one Syrian had to say…

 Al-Qaeda  had entered Maloula 2 days ago, Maloula is the only village in the world that speak the language of christ (Aramaic – Syriac).  Maloula is known with its churches and monasteries that strike deep in history in the monastery of Saint Takla «first martyrs of Christianity » this phrase is at the entrance to the monastery.

When you enter the monastery one of the nuns with her black clothes explain to visitors about Saint Takla and the history of Maloula .  Did the killers by the name of God (Al-Qaeda  freedom fighters)  read the phrase .. where is this nun now …. did that suicide bomber who blew himself up in the town look into her eyes?

Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra are now occupying Maloula and the USA are fighting in there site …  people of Maloula and Syria now have now few cities to live in peace  in without Al-qaeda. If the USA bomb us they will bomb us with Al-Qaeda  in the same site and we’ll lose the last secure part of our country.

It was a revolution against the dictatorship and It turned now to a revolution against humanity.  Keep your army out of our lands and seas please  and try to find a peaceful solution with Russia to end Syrian people suffer.

Vote NO please!

Ammar Nacio

I personally think Senator Feinstein should have retired a long time ago. She is out of touch with “we the people” and she doesn’t have a clue.  Call her today.  Tell her to vote NO on the war with Syria.

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Casino Gaming

Schwarzenegger Sells California Out to Gambling Casinos

Massive tribal contributions flow into political campaign coffers.

Massive tribal contributions flow into political campaign coffers.

by Kathryn Bowen

Whoever coined the phrase “Ignorance is bliss” must have been talking about the 35 million Californians trusting that their governor and their elected officials are actually doing their job with respect to gambling casinos run by Indian tribes in our state.

“Bliss” is what Governor Schwarzenegger has been selling the public while he sells the State down the river by granting the largest expansion of gambling in history to 5 casino tribes.

In the wake of Californian’s support of Prop 1A, former Governor, Gray Davis, negotiated gambling compacts with Indian Tribes. Millions of voters succumbed to a brilliant marketing campaign that casino tribes invested nearly $100 Million into, equal to a presidential election, to persuade voters to change our State constitution and direct gambling monopolies to Indian tribes. I was one of those voters.

Here’s the bad news.

At this moment, your elected representatives in California are just about to vote on whether to grant 5 casino tribes, consisting of just 1,876 people, the ability to expand willy-nilly despite the impact on our communities, families, children and ultimately the financial future of California.

This is just the beginning; 67 additional tribes with gaming compacts are waiting in the wings and the Governor may not inform the public when renegotiations commence with these tribes.

The reality is the revenue promised for the state through gambling expansion will not materialize. The Governor and his advisors know this and should probably buy a new calculator because they know the expected income is neither measurable or enforceable!

Thousands of emails, letters, phone calls and exhaustive testimony attempting to alert our elected officials of endless issues regarding jurisdiction, regulation, accounting and disastrous social costs have fallen on deaf ears.

Hearing Loss

The reason for the hearing loss? Could it be the massive unregulated tribal contributions flowing into political campaigns of the majority of our elected officials in our State Capitol?

In fact, tribes poured $429,600 into the campaigns of just fifteen assembly members who held an “impartial” hearing on problematic regulatory issues with the compacts and will be key in deciding their fate. How impartial can they really be when taking money from the same tribes that will benefit from their vote? By any definition, this is a profound conflict of interest.

Making matters worse, the Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS), the only federal regulatory leg left to oversee the integrity of the games and to collect the money, has been eliminated from the compacts.

What does this mean? These so-called compacts are really contracts that will cement a permanent partnership between the State of California and loosely regulated gambling casino tribes for the next 25-years, without the ability of the state to audit and collect the money or to ensure fair gaming for the patrons.

Casino tribes have kicked federal regulators off their land claiming sovereignty. What makes the state think its going to be any more successful especially given the fact there are simply not enough enforcement resources?

Moreover, Schwarzenegger privately brokered 25-year, multibillion dollar deals without so much as an economic study to show how expanded gambling will impact the people of California.

Given the fact that 80% percent of gambling revenue comes from households with incomes of less than $50,000 a year, don’t you think you need a study to show what this spread of gambling is going to do to the state?

What kind of representative government balances its budget on the backs of its poorest and most vulnerable citizens? Even Russia and other countries around the world who believed that gambling actually produced economic vitality have come to their senses and banned or closed most of their casinos due to the economic strain caused their economies.

Once again, our elected officials are going for the quick fix approach to fixing the state’s budget problems instead of assessing the long-term effects of really bad policy.

What does California get? We all get to sit by and watch our regional economy redirect billions in disposable income (taxable sales) into “sovereign tribal governments” who are not bound by the U.S. Constitution, remain outside regulatory laws and pay no taxes on their $23 Billion profits.

This massive federal scandal’s tentacles have found their way into every corner of our government through corrupt campaign finance loopholes. From the White House on down to local county governments who are faced with the dilemma of how to stand up to tribes who exploit their ancestral suffering to bully local governments into giving them what they want.

Wake up California! The gaming tribes’ plight no longer has anything to do with civil rights, justice or historical reparations, but rather with self-indulgent gambling expansion under the guise of self-determination.

About the author:

Kathryn Bowen is an expert and activist on government regarding gambling across the country.

Issues include: tribal expansion, tribal sovereignty, tribal sovereign immunity, political corruption due to unlimited funds from casino tribes both in local and state government, civil rights, equal protection issues communities struggle with due to representative government becoming too reliant on big gambling dollars. Member of the legal subcommittee team involving a lawsuit filed by Preservation of Los Olivos (POLO) and Preservation of Santa Ynez (POSY) against the federal government in 2005. This suit was filed as an appeal to the Bureau of Indian Affairs decision to accept privately purchased land by the Santa Ynez Band into federal trust status without proper representation of community interests. Writer/Producer of documentary “Big Gambling Dollars and Politics at Work”