What is wrong with Legislators?
Watching the legislative hearings today, I was surprised to find the legislators reading only the titles of bills and passing them rapid fire. Until they came to a bill honoring Ronald Reagan for his contributions and for being the only California Governor to go on to become President.
Assembly approves bill for Ronald Reagan statue
The state Assembly on Friday unanimously approved a bill that would authorize a Ronald Reagan statue inside the Capitol.
Republican Assemblyman Curt Hagman, of Chino Hills, told fellow lawmakers that Reagan deserves a special place inside the Capitol because he is the only California governor to become president. The actor-turned-politician is buried at his presidential library in Simi Valley.
Hagman and Assemblyman Martin Garrick, R-Solana Beach, authored AB2358. The bill passed 55-0 and moves to the Senate.
While I was watching, this bill did pass, but while most other bills were being voted on by 65+ Assembly members, this bill was passed with only 38 voting – 38 to 0, with many of the Assembly members abstaining. I don’t know where the article above obtained their figures, but it’s clearly wrong. Most of the Democats did not vote on this bill, even though the statue had been paid for with DONATIONS and would not cost the state a penny. Even long-term maintenance will be footed exclusively by donors.
Just another example of partisan politics.
Of course, it’s possible that the reason so few voted was that they didn’t have time to run to other desks to vote on the behalf of other assemblymembers…
Come to find out, California is one of the few states that actually allows legislator to change their vote at a later date. So, it’s all posturing. Aren’t you tired of the games being played, not only in Sacramento but in Washington as well. Their all crooks…all but Dr. Ron Paul.
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- The Vial of Ronald Reagan’s Blood Is No Longer for Sale (slog.thestranger.com)
- Obama: ‘That Wild-Eyed, Socialist, Tax-Hiking Class Warrior Was Ronald Reagan’ (cnsnews.com)
- Ronald Reagan’s wisdom on the Middle East: LEAVE! (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
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