Environment, Parties & People

I used to be a very conservative Republican, until I woke up and realized all the games being played by the politicians, the corporations and those with power and money.  I still can’t believe the way the Republicans behaved during the last election. [Read: Republican National Convention Rules Changes and Dirty Tricks]

The general gist of the idea as it was portrayed by the people who were behind the proposed rules changes was to prevent a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and the National Convention by members of the Ron Paul contingent, the Ron Paul Revolution and the Campaign for Liberty. And without Mr. Blackwell present who is by no means a Ron Paul supporter and the members of the Virginia delegation present, the resistance to the proposed rules changes just faded away.

So what are the rules that were at issue and how were they changed? The two rules that were at stake were Rule #12 and Rule #15. Generally the changes in the rules shift power from the State and County Republican Parties to the National Party and the RNC, and to the Party’s Presidential nominee. That would be Mitt Romney. The changes in the rules are already being referred to as “The Romney Rules.” They effectively disenfranchise conservative activists of all kinds all across America. They disenfranchise TEA Party Activists, and not just Ron Paul supporters! Both the TEA Party Movement and the Ron Paul supporters sprung up as a result of the intransigence of the old school, old paradigm politicians, but instead of listening to the growing cries from the grassroots, the Establishment essentially muted the volume and turned them flat down!

Needless to say, I’m never voting for them again!  It’s just not going to happen. Period.

But I’m curious.  That wasn’t fair, honest and upright.  Where is the law?  You read about all these crimes being committed by government officials but they are not being prosecuted.  Why not?  Are the police so busy busting drug “offenders” that they can’t find the time to bust the ones who are really hurting people?

So, I switched to the Libertarian Party.  I agree with them on most stances, except I am not for gay rights.  The gay rights movement has harmed more people than it’s helped.  As more and more of our children get caught up in the lies, being taught to them beginning as early as Kindergarten about their bodies.  It’s just not normal to educate children on this topic so young and by presenting it as natural or normal we may as well be encouraging it.  Tipping the scales.

Any parent knows that children are easily manipulated.

I’m so fed up because I don’t fit in anywhere.  I hate what Obama has done to our country.  I hate that he’s not being held accountable and his supporters are not being held accountable.  The only thing that gives me hope is the American People. I know have seen them rise to the occasion and turn things around.  And with God all things are possible.  I have not lost faith in this country or it’s people.


Here is one man who gets it.

The Man Who Lives Without Money

by  Amanda Froelich

Think you couldn’t live without money? Irishman Mark Boyle challenged this notion and here’s how he finds life with no financial income, bank balance, and no spending.

“If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal.” According to Boyle, the plan back then was to ‘get a good job’, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society he was successful.
[Read more]

I think the Democrats have great ideas when it comes to the environment and the foods we eat.  They’ve introduced bills to label GMO’s.  Wonder why no one is talking about banning GMO’s?   This big huge fight over a label?  Get real.  They simply don’t care.  They aren’t serious about protecting us, the people.  The Green Party is just the opposite, they care only about the environment.

We have to live here.  People matter!

We need to do what’s best for wildlife, people and the environment.  Obviously, poisoning our land, the place we live, is not a good idea.  The ocean has been irradiated, ocean life are dead or dying.  What is being done?  Our government isn’t even talking about it.  Nothing.

We must be the change we want to see in the world.  It’s a process but we have to start somewhere.  Look around you.  What can you do?

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RNC and GOP Wake Up!

Until George Junior’s second term, I had always voted Republican and I was proud of it. Since then, I am ashamed that I ever voted Republican and as far as I can tell right now, I will never vote Republican again.

Want to know why?

First Alleged Case of GOP Recall Election-Day Dirty Tricks



This is just the tip of the iceberg. Do we really want these people in office?  They’re crooks, liars and thieves and the Democrats aren’t any better. Wake up America! We have one choice … Ron Paul.

So, go ahead and pull all your nasty tricks, see where it gets you. People are leaving the party in droves. If one party ever pulls them all together, there will be no more RNC. The convention should be place where the party heads, leaders and others come together to put forth the best candidate to beat Obama. Not where you go to ram Romney down our throats. What is this love affair you have with Romney?

The guy is Obama 2.0, he ran Massachusetts like his own personal business, he’ll run this country into the ground the rest of the way with his social programs and big government. The problem, in case anyone is listening, we have too much government. Too many government handouts, too many government programs. We need to get government out of the way and unless we do, it’s all going to come tumbling down on our heads, and it won’t be pretty.

Now is the time to fix it. Now is the time to act. Don’t wait until it’s too late! The RNC needs to take a better look at Ron Paul and get behind him. We don’t want Obama 2.0 and we don’t need him. Wake up!

This is what I’m talking about.


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What is wrong with Legislators?

Watching the legislative hearings today, I was surprised to find the legislators reading only the titles of bills and passing them rapid fire. Until they came to a bill honoring Ronald Reagan for his  contributions and for being the only California Governor to go on to become President.

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan aboard an Ameri...

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan 1964

Assembly approves bill for Ronald Reagan statue

The state Assembly on Friday unanimously approved a bill that would authorize a Ronald Reagan statue inside the Capitol.

Republican Assemblyman Curt Hagman, of Chino Hills, told fellow lawmakers that Reagan deserves a special place inside the Capitol because he is the only California governor to become president. The actor-turned-politician is buried at his presidential library in Simi Valley.

Hagman and Assemblyman Martin Garrick, R-Solana Beach, authored AB2358. The bill passed 55-0 and moves to the Senate.

While I  was watching, this bill did  pass, but while most other bills were being voted on by 65+ Assembly members, this bill was passed with only 38 voting – 38 to 0, with many of the Assembly members  abstaining.  I don’t know where the article above  obtained their figures, but it’s clearly wrong.  Most of the Democats did not vote on  this bill, even though the statue had been paid for with DONATIONS and would not cost the state a penny. Even long-term maintenance will be footed exclusively by donors.

Just another example of partisan politics.

Of course, it’s possible that the reason so few voted was that they didn’t have time to run to other desks to vote on the behalf of other assemblymembers…

Come to find out, California is one of the few states that actually allows legislator to change their vote at a later date. So, it’s all posturing. Aren’t you tired of the games being played, not only in Sacramento but in Washington as well. Their all crooks…all but Dr. Ron Paul.

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