Students Get Screwed!

This sounds like the teachers unions are gearing up for negotiations. Obama hails from Chicago where the Teamsters Union once ruled the day.

Calls for Longer School Year Faces Budget Reality


“Ultimately the states, not the federal government, should have the final word on this and other public school decisions,” said Lucy Nashed, a spokeswoman for Gov. Rick Perry.

In Kansas, sporadic efforts by local districts to extend the school year at even a few schools have been met by parental resistance, said state education commissioner Diane DeBacker.

“The community was just not ready for kids to be in school all summer long,” DeBacker said. “Kids wanted to go swimming. Their families wanted to go on vacation.”

In some states, the school year already starts well before Labor Day and in others nearly stretches to the Fourth of July.

Parents are similarly divided

Parent Irene Facciolo in Monpelier, Vt., said kids need the summer break and learn while they’re away from school.

“I really feel like they need the time to regenerate,” she said.

But Laura Spencer of Orlando, Fla., says she would rather have her 10-year-old daughter learning than hanging out.

“Summer is a lost opportunity,” said Spencer, who believes having kids out of school for three to four months makes an already flawed education system worse.

These people are all over the map and why shouldn’t they be? Some parents choose to homeschool their children, other parents select a private school for their child, we have options.  What it boils down to is public school is just that – public, paid for by public funds. Like it or not, those public funds come with strings.

The public schools aren’t going to produce a highly educated student body, unless the taxpayers are willing to foot the bill and the public school system changes the way it operates.

Our children are not little clones, filling the classrooms with open minds, ready to be filled. Many teachers wish that they were. A child is an individual and what one child can accomplish, another can never achieve. Why do public school administrators pretend that every child has the same capabilities, if given the same teaching? We are throwing good money after bad.

Seat time does not equal learning time. Just because a student is in school, doesn’t mean his mind is present. I spent many many hours sitting in a classroom, while my mind was off somewhere else. I couldn’t tell you a thing that happened those days in school — and there were many of them.

Speaking as a parent, I can tell you that no one knows a child like a parent and school officials are missing out on a terrific resource by excluding them to the extent they do in most public schools. Students deserve to have an educational plan that they themselves help to create and it should be reviewed regularly. It should grow with the child. Each child should attempt to define their goals and what they hope to get out of their schooling.

Why can’t schools offer early year and late year classes for some students or have a staggered start schedule, so that some teachers come in later, and others start early. If the public school really isn’t a training ground for prison, why does it have to be so rigid? Prisons are intended to restrict the movement of choices of the inhabitants. Do we want inflexible schools that have no regard for the individuals wants and needs?

Our home is a training ground, a place for my son to learn how to make good choices. Our job as parents is to prepare him to go out and make his mark on the world. Isn’t that what getting an education is all about? Why can’t schools provide a place where students have more control over their time and efforts?

William Butler Yeats said: “Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.”

It’s time to light the fire.

Keep the Kids Home

American Family Association: Keep your students home on “Day of Silence”. Let your school officials know that if they are going to allow social and political action in class, your child will not be there.

Many public schools across the nation are planning to allow students affiliated with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) to sponsor a “Day of Silence” on April 16, 2010.

Cooperating schools will allow students and teachers who support the homosexual agenda to remain silent during instructional time. The AFA is joining many other pro-family organizations around the country in calling for families to pull their students out of participating schools that day.

AFA president Tim Wildmon said, “No school should allow an organization like GLSEN to hijack classroom instructional time for political purposes. This turns taxpayer-funded government schools into propaganda forums for promoting homosexuality and cross-dressing. No right-thinking school officials should allow the educational environment to be prostituted in this way.

“We urge parents to contact school officials to find out if they’re allowing the ‘Day of Silence,’ and then send a letter explaining their student’s absence if the school does allow homosexual activists to politicize the campus and disrupt the learning environment their students need.”

Parents must actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes. Please join the national effort to restore to public education a proper understanding of the role of government-subsidized schools.

Wildmon added one additional thought: “The American College of Pediatricians just sent a letter to all 14,800 school district superintendents in the country warning them that most sexual confusion is resolved by the time students pass through puberty, and if students self-identify as homosexual too early, they are at great risk of experiencing severe emotional and physical health problems. We love kids too much to let them be brainwashed into this lifestyle without a peep of protest.”

Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issues analysis, said, “The most effective way parents can protest this misuse of their tax dollars is to keep their students home. Most school districts receive state funds based on average daily attendance, and so absent students directly affect their bottom line. Money talks, especially in our economy right now. Parents can make it easy and financially beneficial for schools to do the right thing, and can hit them in the wallet if they won’t.”

Contact: Cindy Roberts
American Family Association
662-844-5036 (ext. #227)

Time For Kids?

I received two envelopes in the mail — and boy was I shocked — one was from my granddaughter, the other was from my grandson. I was so excited to see their names on the envelopes that I couldn’t wait to open them. I was a little apprehensive, when I saw just how thick that envelope was.

It was the strangest thing…

Inside the children had written the name of their school (on the line provided for them). It was address to me – the child had written my name and address, then on the opposing side of the coupon looking thing was written…

Dear __________
(on the line "Grandma" had been hand written),

Our school can receive FREE subscriptions to a really fun and interesting magazine that my teacher will use with us in class to help us learn more about the world. It’s called TIME For Kids. You help me reach my goal simply by buying or renewing a magazine subscription for yourself.

Please look at the enclosed list (with savings up to 80%!) and pick your favorite. You can even order a magazine as a gift. Thanks for helping… I can’t wait to start reading TIME For Kids!

From, _________________
(the child wrote their name on the line)

P.S. __________________
(hand written – "Please help my school")

The opposite side of the envelope-sized card was an order form.

Included also was a brochure from TIME For Kids of magazine listings that claimed to offer magazines at a substantial savings, however, the prices appeared to be inflated, then marked down to regular prices. Along with the magazine listing I found a supplemental insert, return envelope, folded one sheet explanation entitled, "a friend is thinking of you…"

Lastly, I found a post card that totally took me by surprise. (Maybe I’m overly sensitive but this upset me.) The card read…

"I’m happy to support you and the special project you are working toward. I’m proud of who you are!"

TIME For Kids

Now, I’m certain someone felt that this was a good idea. What friend or family member wouldn’t appreciate a little help with sending a post card? Frankly, I don’t need a school (or TIME For Kids) to tell my grandchildren "I’m proud of who you are!" I find this demeaning and frankly, insulting.

What are they teaching these young students — certainly not how to write a cordial letter? They could have used this opportunity to get the children to actually write a letter. A skill these children might put to use at some point in their lives. Instead, they are teaching our children to beg.

Now of course because I refuse to bend to the will of a school, set on taking advantage of the friends and relatives of the children in their charge, I’m the bad guy. I really don’t appreciate being put on the spot like this. How do you explain to a child that this is called extortion and you refuse to participate in such schemes?

Oh, and don’t get me started on TIME For Kids. What a terrific racket for them. Not only does the school "earn" "free" copies of TIME For Kids, they push over-priced magazines to increase their profit margin on loving family members. Do they really expect us to buy what they are selling? These magazines are anything but free. I would have preferred to purchase a subscription for the kids. Teachers ordering at least 10-copies pay only $4.30 per student, which includes shipping and handling.

At home subscriptions cost $29.95 each and doesn’t include teaching guides, supplemental materials or any free gifts. Ouch, they certainly aren’t looking to break into the homeschool market with this kind of offer.

I’m almost tempted to purchase a subscription, of TIME For Kids, not for my son’s benefit, but just to see what kind of balderdash they are subjecting publicly schooled children to.

I believe instead, I’ll sit down and write my grandchildren each a letter and encourage them to write back, putting the skills I hope they are learning in school to good use by writing me an actual letter in return. Just what are they teaching these children in school? It makes one wonder.