Vote No on SB 277

Vote NO on SB 277 — Currently in CA, there is a bill before the legislature, SB 277, which would eliminate a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. Only a medical exemption would remain, which is usually only issued after a catastrophic adverse vaccine reaction has occurred, and often times, not even then.

Gardasil vaccine and box

Gardasil vaccine

Should this bill become law, it will apply to ALL students in California, whether they are enrolled in public school, private school, and parochial or religious school.  Children whose parents refuse  any  (or all) government mandated vaccines will be segregated and forced to home school. Be aware, however, that under California law home schools are considered private schools, so this, too, may not allow families to opt out of vaccines.

Here’s a list of only a few of the controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, aborted human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains.  

The only two versions of the MMR vaccine available today contain human diploid lung fibroblasts, which are cells that were grown from aborted fetal tissue. Religious parents who do not want to inject their children with aborted fetal tissue cells should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Three of the polio vaccines currently on the market contain cells grown from African green monkeys. Parents opposed to animal cruelty, those who are vegan, and those who do not want the cells of other animals injected into their children should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Vaccine Injections:  In addition to fetal tissue, some believe that God does not want their bodies or the bodies of their babies injected with neurotoxins, heavy metals, animal tissues, genetically modified organisms, live or attenuated viruses, cleansers, adjuvants, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. or to otherwise be created or altered by man.

They believe that those substances compromise their immune systems and destroy their health. They believe that there is nothing in vaccines that improves their health, and that God designed their bodies to function perfectly well without injecting foreign and toxic substances directly into their blood supply. And they believe that doing so violates the will of God.

There is no place for forced vaccination (or any other medical procedure) in a free society.

For more information —  Vaccine Fact Summary

Listen to this recording of Gary Null

Stop the Hemorrhaging!

The next Presidential Election is just around the corner and I can hardly wait. Then I got to thinking about the way voters have really been boxed in over the years.  Laws have been enacted that have  all but guaranteed a Republican or a Democrat would lie their way to the White House.  The entire election process has been corrupted and no longer functions properly.

It just doesn’t seem to me like we are getting the bright, honest men of integrity to run for office these days. Perhaps, we need to make some changes to our current system to better the odds to encourage fine leaders to run for office.

On my wish list for changes that should be made before the next election:

De Cito Eindtoets Basisonderwijs.

Mandatory Testing for Public Employees

  • Anyone running for public office, must submit to an I.Q. test. Those with I.Q.s under 80, are disqualified to run. That should weed out at least 50% of those currently in office.
  • Any candidate running for office must have his own house in order. Just like most other positions of trust, prospective candidates must submit to a credit check, chexsystems and he or she must be current with all IRS obligations. That should take care of the other 50%, leaving us with a clean house.

I watch for those campaign mailers and save them each election year. I like to pull them out when I make my choices and consider how well thought out the materials are. In other words, how effectively are they using their own resources. I pay closer attention to the smaller pieces of mail because these are the people who know how to stretch a dollar bill and still get the job done.

I personally hate getting those  huge things that won’t even fit easily into our mailbox.  I know those things are costly and they are a huge waste of money. Even the elderly don’t  need 3 inch type and if they do, it makes far more  sense for that person to grab their eye glasses or magnifying glass — because if their eyes are that bad, you know they  have their own.

The  government  — those who work for the people — must start thinking before spending.  Government workers need to let people do for themselves, and stop trying to take care of everyone. It’s time you start to do the job you were hired for.   Period!

I have a question. Why is it that taxpayers are paying the freight for children to be educated at public schools? Schools keep crying for more money, but do you realize that most parents could pay less to send their child to a private school than it costs to educate a child in the public school?

If we are paying for a private school education, why are our children still expected to received a “standardized education?” Maybe that is part of the problem. We have the resources to create a tailor-made  educational system that is better suited to the needs of a growing child. Just ask John Taylor Gatto, he proved it 20 years ago.

If children are going to be continually tested and grilled throughout their academic careers, maybe we should subject the teachers to standardized testing each year as well. And while we are at it, let’s just extend it to all public workers.

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Stupid Politicians

Are you as sick and tired of stupid politicians and I am? I have had it with the idiots who are attempting to micromanage us into a drunken stupor. Let’s face it, there is no way we could have ended up with the amount of national debt we have hanging over our heads today accidentally.

At least the war on the Middle Class is going ...

At least the war on theMiddle Class is going well

I attended the  public school system in the 70’s, they were talking about a funding crisis for Social Security back then. The economists knew it was coming. So, what do the politicians do? They raised taxes on cigarettes, because we are killing ourselves with them, damaging our health, and thus causing us to die prematurely. You would think if more of us died prematurely, it would be beneficial for the society as a whole, because there would be fewer people alive to collect Social Security.

Now, I know that might sound terrible but I’ve always said I would die while I was still young enough to be a good-looking corpse. My daddy used to say that a lot. I believe there are worse things than death — that is not one of my major concerns.

Another negative side effect of the huge increases in taxes that have been added to the cost of smoking cigarettes is the huge number of people who have quit smoking because they simply can’t afford it any more, which by-the-way is what the politicians were hoping to do. Fewer people are now smoking, so the government is getting less tax revenue, putting them even further away from their goal of providing Social Security for those who have paid into it their entire lives.

Now they come along and shove mandatory healthcare down our throats. I don’t want anything to do with this overpriced crooked medical system they are offering. Our constitution guarantees us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, no where in our constitution am I guaranteed a right to overpriced medical care. They can call it “healthcare” if they want but even private insurance companies refuse to cover treatments that are known for their health benefits – our medical system only covers sick care and most of the time they don’t even do that well.

There is a reason they call it “Practicing Medicine,” as most of these clowns don’t have a clue what they are doing.

It’s time we audit the government — every branch — every corner — and cut the fat, cut programs and assistance to the bone. We must do it and we must do it now, we have already passed the tipping point.  


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