New Gender Taunted

I was checking out a news article from the Illinois News Tribune to post on the Kidjacked news section, when my eyes were drawn to a rainbow on the page. I never read advertisements and when I am forced to, I remember the company and purpose in my heart, never to support that business.

When I need to find something I go shopping and look for ads and sales. I like them to be readily available but not in your face. Getting back to my topic du jour…

I really had to take a double take. I am really beginning to  think that homosexuality really is a mental disease as was first supposed by mental health boards and most doctors at the time.

The banner reads…New Race?


Forbidden knowledge since the dark ages!

Homosexuals are a race!

Homosexuality is a gender!

Would you like to know more?

Get a clue. People change sexual partners like they change their underwear these days. I’ve known many men and  women who switch back and forth between genders with regularity.  They are experimenting and that’s what children do.

I don’t care what you do in your bedroom, but I can still classify and sort the inhabitants of this earth as boy or girl — male or female. I hate to break it to you but you only get two choices. I find this poster inflammatory and very disturbing.

I can’t tell you just how appalled I was last week when my grandson, called his older brother a faggot and asked him if he liked boys or girls. This is not a choice like selecting a pair of underwear. We have taught our son morals, with a Biblical world view. Instilling these notions in young children is inviting them to experiment and into a world of confusion.

I am terrified to ask what, “Forbidden knowledge since the dark ages!” means. I don’t even want to know.

Parents need to get on their knees daily and pray for their children. If you are a Christian and have left your children in the public school system — shame on you. Your children are being lied to and deceived on a daily basis. Please prayerfully consider an alternative.

The homosexual lobby has declared a cultural war on society at large. I worry about the children of tomorrow and wonder if they will have the strength to endure the road that lies before them. Pray for the children. Pray for their teachers. Ask God for guidance and understanding to get you through the days and years ahead.



Hotel Found Guilty

Jury awards $85,000 against hotel for subjecting family to pornography

Norwalk, CA — October 12, 2007

Edwina McCombs, a Tennessee resident, who was visiting Southern California to vacation with her 8 and 9 year old daughters, was awarded $85,000 today when a jury found Value Lodge, an Artesia motel, liable for involuntarily subjecting her girls to hard-core pornographic movies.

Ms. McCombs checked into the Value Lodge where she informed the front desk that she was there with her two young daughters. When she was in the room, Ms. McCombs went to take a bath and the children turned on the television to watch a children’s show. Instead, the children were subjected to hard-core pornography with close-up images of people engaged in sodomy and homosexual acts.

Leejanice Toback, an attorney for McCombs, stated that this is probably the first such verdict against a hotel or motel for showing pornography.

"This shows that hotels cannot ignore the duty of care they owe their patrons. If hotels don’t have lock-outs that prevent young children from being involuntarily subjected to pornography, they will be liable," said Eliot Krieger.

The trial lasted two weeks. During the trial, the plaintiffs presented testimony from hotel expert Alan Snyder, who commented that in his thirty years experience, he has never seen a family hotel where some affirmative action was not necessary in order to access adult material. Although the motel claimed that there were signs warning the patrons that the adult channel could be turned off by the front desk, interviews with the jury indicated that no one believed it.

The plainitffs also called Dr. Michael Perrotti, who extensively tested the children and described the harm that exposure to pornographic images have on young children. Dr. Perrotti stated that a child’s mind is like a hard drive on a computer and the images once implanted, are difficult to remove. The girl’s parents and attorneys Leejanice Toback and Eliot F. Krieger are thrilled with the verdict and the message it sends.

Jarvis & Krieger
5199 East Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 510
Long Beach, California 90804
Phone: (562) 597-7070
Fax: (562) 597-7772

Indecent Exposure

Illinois School Pushes Smut on Children

Illinois School Pushes Smut on Children

By J. Matt Barber

Illinois School District 126, covering Alsip, Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn, has defended its choice to assign summer reading to 12- and 13-year-olds that is replete with harsh profanity and references to teen sex (even teen sex with adults).

Prairie Junior High School’s required reading list for rising 8th graders gave children six books to choose from over the summer. Parents have complained that three of the six books contain adult content, which is highly age-inappropriate. Those complaints, however, have fallen on deaf ears. At a recent school board meeting, school board members said they intend to continue assigning the books. The following are excerpts from just a handful of the many salacious passages found in one of the books, Fat Kid Rules the World, by K. L. Going:

(Warning: Adult Content not Suitable for Children):

  • God, I want to touch her. Her legs are full. … If I could just reach under that skirt. (p. 6)
  • No one beats me or f-s me without my permission. (p. 11)
  • F-k off, morons. (p. 47)
  • I swear I’ll tear your g-d*mn, f-ing b*lls off…(p. 57)
  • “She’d f-k you if you stay in the band,” he says (p. 141)
  • …and now he has promised me that a forty-something woman will sleep with me if I’m the drummer (p. 142)

(Classy stuff, Prairie Junior High. Is that how you talk in front of your kids, Principal Gwaltney?)

To add insult to injury, the school didn’t even have the courtesy to warn these kids – or their parents – about the adult content within the assigned reading. And parents are understandably furious. If one of my daughters came to me at twelve having been assigned this smut, I’d be ticked-off too.

Whatever happened to classics like Ivanhoe or Up From Slavery? Sure, some of them may even contain limited profanity and adult content, but there’s a big difference. The profane content in Fat Kid isn’t sporadic. It’s pervasive and gratuitous. The book has 110 pages containing the F-word and other profanities, and there are multiple crude sexual references.

With all the objectionable material children are subjected to on the internet, on television and in theatres, it’s outrageous that educators, who are charged with helping to mold the minds of these 12- and 13-year-olds, would willingly – if not eagerly – contribute to their moral degradation by pushing this kind of vulgarity on them. It amounts to educational malpractice, and School District 126 should have its mouth washed out with soap.

I telephoned Robert Berger, superintendent of schools for District 126, fully expecting him to assure me that this foolishness would be remedied. But instead, his response was defiant, defensive and arrogant.

Berger refused to answer me when I asked him several times if District 126 believed that such mature content was appropriate for children. (I wonder; if it were so appropriate, then why wouldn’t he defend it?)

I asked Berger if one could infer that the district found the material appropriate since it was assigned to children. He quipped, “Infer whatever you want to.”

No one’s calling for a book burning here, but c’mon, these are just kids. Does District 126 have any standards of decency at all?

Unfortunately the actions of District 126 are symptomatic of a metastasizing moral malady within our larger system of public education. Kids in public schools across the country are constantly inundated with material, which promotes profanity, homosexuality, promiscuity and abortion.

The agenda is pushed and the curriculum set by leftist groups like the National Education Association (NEA), the ACLU and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Even the American Library Association (ALA) gave Fat Kids its “Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature.” The book also received a rave review from America’s largest homosexual activist literary organization, Lambda Literary Foundation.

By constantly lowering the bar on decency, educators are intentionally playing a game of ideological limbo with our children’s moral well-being as they seek to create little moral relativists in their own iconoclastic self-image. And they’re robbing kids of great reading like Oliver Twist, Treasure Island and many others in the process.

How low will they go?

By the looks of things in Alsip, Illinois, they’re not going to bottom out anytime soon.

About the Author

Matt Barber is one of the “like-minded men” with Concerned Women for America. He is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law and serves as CWA’s policy director for cultural issues.