All nuclear reactors leak

If we want to understand today’s world, it helps to look back at history and examine things through new eyes.

I’ve been watching this

It’s amazing the things they have discovered over the years. Keep in mind that they didn’t seem to have any protocols in place, to deal with the problem.  I get really angry watching this because I worked at a nuclear power plant during this time period. I don’t understand, because we had procedures for everything you could ever want. I worked writing the manuals.

I know emergencies have  happened  that the public was not made aware of or the situation was minimized.  I hated that big horn on the corner. I’m not sure how often it went off, but at least once a month or was it once a week.  Just a reminder that your family could be in danger.

The company I worked for, I don’t recall the name of it, I was actually hired by a temp service, to work for a subcontractor at the nuclear power plant.  Our main job was to find more work for our company to do, before their contract expired and they were kicked off plant property.

The nuclear power plant

Twp nuclear power plants

It would often take two or three weeks for them to get approval for new temps, so we would sit around for weeks on end, all the time collecting a paycheck and doing nothing.  Almost everyone who worked there was a subcontractor. In reality, everyone was there to collect their paycheck, of course I didn’t realize this until years later.

It’s just another accident waiting to happen.  We have all this nuclear waste piling up everywhere. They have no idea what to do with it.  The dirt from Chernobyl and Fukushima alone is staggering and they keep piling up more.  When will the madness end?