How to cure seizures…

I was doing some research for a friend on seizures, specifically how to cure, not just treat the symptoms.  I came across this video and I just had to share it, not as a “how-to” deal with your seizures but as an example of what their drugs can do to you.

Notice her reactions, her coordination, and her speech patterns. It’s obvious this was an intelligent caring individual, who has been turned into a shell of her former self.  She has trouble focusing and staying on topic.  I hope she is able to get off the medication soon.

These drugs are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.  The cure, not just a “treatment,” is available and you won’t find it in modern medicine.  The medical community doesn’t want you to find answers.  They are still practicing on us. Hence the term practicing medicine  Don’t let them practice on you.  Modern medicine should teach you how to stay healthy.  It’s 2013, man!    They can fit a computer on the head of a pin, take pictures around corners and parse billions of pieces of information to answer a question in under a second.

They know what makes you healthy.  They know that people need proper nutrition.  Without it, you will get sick.  Don’t skimp when it comes to food.  You must change your thinking about food, buy the best you can and avoid the health care system or eat cheap and pay with your health and eventually your life.  That is the choice you are making every time you pick up a fork.

I would rather have my phone turned off, and the cable shut down than be forced to eat garbage, and that is exactly what you get, every time you go to the grocery store.  The GMO foods are not nutritionally sound.  So, do your homework.

We try to buy locally grown products local honey, really local eggs (raise our own chickens), not only does it support the local economy but you know and learn to trust those growing your food.  That is the only way I know of avoiding GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,”  pesticides and other chemicals harmful to my health.

Yes, we struggle where fast food is concerned.  But I have to tell you the truth, our family has made the changes together and it’s brought us all closer together.   When you get in your groove and  discover the foods that your entire family likes you’ll gladly give up the next McWhatever  to race home for what mommy made.    We eat more soups made from homegrown chicken and I think we feel better because of it and we are having a lot of fun together in the kitchen trying new recipes.

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Earth Fare’s Boot Challenge

This morning on Facebook I saw a coupon for a chocolate bar exchange, Earth Fare called it, “Take the Boot Challenge.”

They asked, “How much do you know about the food you’re eating and the wellness products you’re using daily? Come back every month for a new Boot Challenge!  Which chocolate bar, based on its ingredients, would you boot.”  Well, I got really excited, until I read the ingredient list…



Ingredients:Milk Chocolate (Chocolate Liquor, Milk, Unbleached Water-Filtered Beet Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Lactose, Soy Lecithin, Vanilla).


Ingredients:Sugar, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Processed with Alkali, Milk Fat, Lactose, Soy Lecithin, PGPR, Vanillin, Artificial Flavor, Milk.

That’s when things got interesting… So, I posted to Earth Fare’s Facebook page:

“I was excited to see your coupon for the candy bar exchange, that is until I saw the ingredient list… Your chocolate bar might be “healthier,” but it still has GMO in it. So, it’s not HEALTHY.”

Earth Fare: Which ingredient are you referring to? These bars contain no known GMOs….

Annette M. Hall: got a link? I can’t find it.

Earth Fare:  You’re referring to the Boot Challenge, correct?

Annette M. Hall: Filtered Beet Sugar – it’s my understanding that most beet sugar is GMO and Soy Lecithin. Neither of these say they used organic materials.

A chocolate bar exhibiting chocolate bloom (li...

A chocolate bar exhibiting chocolate bloom

Earth Fare: Since GMOs are not labeled there is no way to tell for sure if it contains GMOs or not. Unfortunately we can only read what is on the label. On that note, we are all for the labeling of GMOs and encourage all of our customers to contact their local government about the labeling of GMOs. I’ll pass along your concern to our grocery team so they can do some more research.

Annette M. Hall: Thank you!

Amy Scott-Lundy: Is the boot challenge coupon still good?

Annette M. Hall:  Yes, it’s still good but be aware this item does contain GMO.

Genetically modified sugar beets make up 95 percent of the crop in the U.S. Farmers who grow sugar beets say there isn’t enough conventional sugar beet seed around anymore, and they no longer have the field equipment necessary to clear weeds from their fields. — NPR

Earth Fare: You can’t say for sure that it contains GMOs. If we knew for sure it would NOT be on our shelves. Thanks!

Annette M. Hall: I can tell you, it has GMO ingredients.

Earth Fare: Haha – ok Maybe you should come work for us and tell us about all the other non-labeled GMOs in our store!

Annette M. Hall: I’m sorry, either it is organic or NOT and I’ve been doing my homework. I am not going to lie for you or anyone. sugar beets – GMO Soy Lecithin – GMO Sorry. [Non GMO Project – Verified Products]


Earth Fare: Actually, to call something “organic” it only has to be 95% organic…so technically even some organic items could contain GMOs. That’s why it’s a problem.

Annette M. Hall: While 95% may be the “legal” definition of organic, it certainly isn’t the “moral” definition – and any company who values the organic market would do well to remember that.

This is a problem for me.

Obviously, I’m not going to buy any of Earth Fare’s products, because “You can’t say for sure that it contains GMOs.”

This is the attitude they have, oh well, sorry, “to call something “organic” it only has to be 95% organic.”

That’s NOT good enough!

I actually, stopped every girl scout I saw out selling girl scout cookies.  I told them, I’m sorry, but they have GMO in them.  I can’t eat them, without getting sick. I guess I’m just supposed to go hungry.  I’ll write more about my medical issues tomorrow.  You won’t believe it.

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What is wrong with America?

We ask ourselves what is wrong with America but we can’t quite put our finger on it. Then today it dawned on me.  This woman’s attitude is what’s wrong but if that weren’t bad enough she’s teaching her kids the same bad attitude, and history repeats itself.

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Barack Obama

I was playing dominoes and people are talking about their jobs, and the economy and this woman named, “jennifer” pipes up and types

I get $700 in food stamps, $650 for shelter, free phone, free heat, and my baby daddy pays me $1,200 a month in child support!

I haven’t worked in 6-years — Obama rocks, I say elect him again.

I don’t work, but I’m rich, thanks to Obama.

He makin yall white folks pay.

(The last sentence is how most of it was typed but I cleaned it up. It was in a chat window, so I can’t go back and get it.)

What a thing to be proud of! These people are the reason that the system doesn’t work.

I have a friend who runs her kids to emergency room at the hospital every time her kid gets a scrape or a sniffle.  And why wouldn’t she?  She’s got medi-cal, she doesn’t have to pay a dime.  She does this all the time, yet if I have to go to the doctor I have to make an appointment, because I can’t afford to visit the hospital, let alone stay there.

The last time I went to the doctor it cost me $450. and I left with a prescription in hand, to take to the lab for testing.  They weren’t sure anything was wrong with me, but they were going to test for all sort of things ($900).

Well Grandma said, “Don’t look for trouble, where there is none.

I didn’t get the tests, and if I had the money, I still wouldn’t.  It isn’t going to change a darned thing.

Shame on you “Jennifer” for not pulling your weight, for not standing on your own two feet.  You’re what’s wrong with America.  You are a drain on the system.  You take your Obama and you live it up, because girl you don’t even know the meaning of rich.  I’ll leave it there.

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