Overwhelming Opposition even from Syria!

English: Inside the Saint Thecla (Mar Takla) m...

Inside the Saint Thecla Monastery, Ma’loula, Syria

I’ve been reading “Behind the scenes: Media interview following a Senate Intelligence Committee briefing on chemical weapons attacks in Syria” on Dianne Feinstein’s Facebook page. It really is heart breaking, people from Syria are tell us it’s Al-Qaeda, and Ms. Feinstein says she knows better.

In fact she says,  “They don’t know what I know. They haven’t heard what I have heard,” Feinstein said. “I like to believe after 20 years, I have some skill at separating the wheat from the chaff.” She thinks we are idiots and don’t have a clue.  Who doesn’t have a clue?  Read what one Syrian had to say…

 Al-Qaeda  had entered Maloula 2 days ago, Maloula is the only village in the world that speak the language of christ (Aramaic – Syriac).  Maloula is known with its churches and monasteries that strike deep in history in the monastery of Saint Takla «first martyrs of Christianity » this phrase is at the entrance to the monastery.

When you enter the monastery one of the nuns with her black clothes explain to visitors about Saint Takla and the history of Maloula .  Did the killers by the name of God (Al-Qaeda  freedom fighters)  read the phrase .. where is this nun now …. did that suicide bomber who blew himself up in the town look into her eyes?

Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra are now occupying Maloula and the USA are fighting in there site …  people of Maloula and Syria now have now few cities to live in peace  in without Al-qaeda. If the USA bomb us they will bomb us with Al-Qaeda  in the same site and we’ll lose the last secure part of our country.

It was a revolution against the dictatorship and It turned now to a revolution against humanity.  Keep your army out of our lands and seas please  and try to find a peaceful solution with Russia to end Syrian people suffer.

Vote NO please!

Ammar Nacio

I personally think Senator Feinstein should have retired a long time ago. She is out of touch with “we the people” and she doesn’t have a clue.  Call her today.  Tell her to vote NO on the war with Syria.

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Fracking for Natural Gas?

When I first heard the term fracking, I thought surely it was an isolated event.  However, looking at this map, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe how many and how vast they were.

Fracking and drinking water map: a map showing where fracking pollutes the most rivers in the usa

This reminds me of when I was investigating the disappearing ice in Alaska and other places around the world.  I am convinced that part of the problems with the disappearing ice is all the holes they have punched in the ice.

They drill ice cores in the ice, drilling down under the guise of testing the ice cores, what they don’t tell you is that every one of the ice cores that they drill opens the ice up to premature melting, because it has more surface area to melt.

They have taken hundreds of thousands of these ice cores, causing more of the ice to melt more quickly.  So, instead of studying the ice cores they are actually speeding up the disappearance of the ice!

If you haven’t done your homework on this one, don’t wait too long.  Not only is your water being polluted but the amount of chemicals used in the process is unbelievable and we could start having MORE earthquakes as a result.

Within the central and Eastern United States, more than 300 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater were recorded from 2010 through 2012, compared to an average rate of 21 earthquakes per year from 1967 to 2000, he noted in a review study on human-induced earthquakes published today in  Science.

In southern California, researchers have found a correlation between seismic activity and a geothermal power plant that pumps water out of an underground reservoir to produce steam that spins electricity generating turbines and then returns most of the water back underground. [Read more…]

We still have to live on this planet and just because we can do something, doesn’t me we should.  We need to protect the earth, because we only have ONE.  When it’s gone, we will be, too.

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Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

PJ Media reports…

5 Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

Benghazi, Boston bombings, the Gosnell massacre, the Cleveland kidnappings, the IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ snooping on the AP, war games with Iran and North Korea, civil war in Syria…

Last week my ability to mentally process world events felt like a cell phone when the data is throttled – it was almost too much to wrap my mind around. Some days I fantasize about life as a low-information voter, not caring about anything more important than what some Kardashian is up to. Barring sudden brain malfunction, I’m not likely to experience that kind of apathy any time soon, and the fact that you’re reading PJ Media tells me that you’re likely in the same boat.

Instead of spending the weekend wallowing in all the terrible things happening in the country and around the world, I decided to instead consider many of the positive signs around us that all is not yet lost.  [Continue Reading…]

These people just don’t get it.  They thought out names like Tea Party, Conservative, Christian, 9/12… All they are doing is trying to put us back in our little boxes.  Give a name, stereotype us and continue on  with  business as usual.    Heck I’ll even go out on a limb and say the Republican party is already gone.  They just don’t realize it yet.

I’ll bet if you checked the demographics of those holding the reins at the GOP, they  are all over 70 and their supporters are in their 50’s & 60’s.  Guess what is going to happen to the Republican party if this continues?    It will go the way of the Whig’s.  They would have us believe that Christian’s are all against smoking weed for medicine, and it just isn’t so.

I know we haven’t lost America yet, because of the pioneering spirit that still dwells inside us.  People are preparing as best we can for the inevitable ruination and collapse.  Our economy is going to crash, the powers that be have done everything they can to make it so.  But it’s how well we prepare and stick together that will make the difference in the end.

It’s not about the Tea Party, it’s about freedom.  Either we are a free people or we are slaves. If we are free, then we deserve the right, as free thinking adults, to do whatever we want so long as we aren’t infringing on the rights of others.  Government was necessary to regulate trade between the states.  But government has never been our master and it’s time we put it in it’s place.  Get with the program old guys.  This isn’t the Tea Party you were looking for — it’s the Libertarian Party — the one that trusts people to decide right from wrong.

I just have to mention…

“We are Raising Constitutionally Literate Kids”

I don’t know where you went to school but we learned the constitution in school, the only thing we really didn’t cover was the Federalist Papers.  But I consider school a jumping off point.  Most people look at school as the end of 13 years of education, I look at as the  beginning  of a long road.  We are constantly learning and educating ourselves.

So, enjoy your kids while they’re young.  Work a little, play a lot. They are only little once, and  they have their whole life to learn.


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