Ohio Modern Day Heroes!
Pro-Life marchers heading to the Supreme Court
After the many years I spent picketing, rallying and rescuing Ohio infants at the Center for Choice II, in Toledo, Ohio, I never dreamed I would live to see the day that the children might some day be saved from certain death. If you haven’t heard the news, let me be the first to share a much cherished moment.
The headline reads: “Ohio House approves abortion ban after heartbeat,” when Reuters announced that the Ohio House of Representatives had voted to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable, which can be as early as six weeks.
Reuters — Columbus, Ohio reported…
By Jo Ingles
Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:56pm EDT
COLUMBUS (Reuters) – The Ohio House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable, which can be as early as six weeks.
The House voted 54 to 43 for the ban, along party lines, with most Republicans voting in favor.
If enacted, the law would be a challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which upheld a woman’s right to an abortion until the fetus is viable outside the womb, usually at 22-24 weeks.
Republican Ohio House Speaker William Batchelder said he knows this bill will face a court challenge.
“We’re writing bills for courts,” he said.
The bill now goes to the Republican-dominated Ohio Senate.
The Ohio House also passed two other abortion restrictions Tuesday, one that would ban late-term abortions after 20 weeks if a doctor determines that the fetus is viable outside the womb. Another bill excludes abortion coverage from the state insurance exchange created by the federal health care law.
The late-term ban already was passed by the Ohio Senate.
Neither bill was as contentious as the heartbeat legislation, which does not contain exceptions for rape, incest or the life or health of the mother. [continue reading…]
Here I am living on the “Left Coast,” with these screwy laws and values, while the victory is being won in – of all places – The State of Ohio. We used to own a small family farm back in Curtice, Ohio. My daughter and I cared for over 300 French Angora Rabbits, they started out as a 4-H project but turned into much more. We used to raise our own pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys and so many more, we had a goat once that was simply a riot.
We had those old metal rocking chairs sitting outside by the back door. It was common for us to go out and butcher 10 or 20-chickens and invite friends over for a BBQ. We’d sit outside, the guys might play some touch football, the kids would play on the swing. As I sat in the chair the goat would come over and nuzzled my hand trying to get me to pet him. He was a little Nubian goat and smart as a whip. He would jump up in the chair next to mine and circle round and round, just as if he were trying to cop a squat (sit in the chair, with his legs over the edge) to copy me. He was so cute.
Many members of our church, New Life Assembly of God, in Oregon, Ohio would picket, sidewalk councel and rescue (with Operation Rescue) unborn children with peaceful demonstrations. Once we used kryptonite bicycle locks and locks and chains to close the place down, until the police came. The leaders arranged a truce, we unlocked our chains and went peacefully to jail. We were allowed to return to the rally after being booked, so long as we promised not to chain up again. We help up our end of the bargain.
A few weeks later the Center for Choice II sued the group collectively for $14 million in a RICO suit, which the protestors won after a lengthy two-year battle. What a sweet victory it was. The people of Ohio are hardworking, honest folks who understand just how precious life is. God doesn’t make mistakes.
Last night I watched as a deer, who had been hit by a car near our house, suffered and died in agony for 2-hours waiting for the Sheriff to come and shoot it. Just two-days prior I had watch this magnificent young buck as he grazed in our yard. I took pictures, which I will share in my next article. He struggled for hours trying to stand as he was pinned under some dead bushes in our yard. His front shoulder was fractured, he was frightened and bleeding from his mouth. I cried as I waited, unable to come to terms with his inevitable death. My heart is still broken.
Our business is here in California, we have friends here and have met some terrific people but this state has broken my heart. The laws here in California are cruel and unfair. From where I am sitting, all I see are liberals who can’t seem to see past today. People who don’t understand business and the way economics work, should not be allowed to effect change that will be detrimental to ones own future well-being.
Tonight, I am celebrating along with the unborn children of Ohio. Bless their souls. I can’t count how many nights I’ve spent in prayer for the infants of this country. This is an answer to many prayers. Who knows, at the rate California children are slaughtered (believe me it is slaughter) Ohio may grow to become the most populated state in the country. Think about it.
I miss you Ohio! I may live in California but my heart remains with you.
According to a July 2, 2011 NPR article…
Statistics compiled by NARAL Pro-Choice America show that 29 governors – including Kansan Sam Brownback – now oppose abortion, up from 21 before the 2010 elections.
And 19 states have House and Senate memberships that are “solidly” opposed to abortion, up from 16 last year. Eight states have what NARAL characterizes as “solidly pro-choice” legislatures, down from 10. [continue reading…]
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