Everybody knows social media works for businesses – but Matt McKee wants to put it to work for a better cause, not just during the holidays but all year long. Founder and owner of the digital development group ROAR, McKee is giving away free apps for one thousand churches and non-profits now through December 31.

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iPhone App

Each one will be developed individually, offering users the chance to download sermons from their favorite church, donate money, make prayer requests and more. Using social media for churches is the topic of McKee’s new e-book, Be Social: Social Media Handbook for Churches.

McKee points out that some church administrators may feel intimidated by the prospect of working with a mobile app to help keep members connected. But, he says, “You don’t need any development experience to run it. ROAR takes care of all the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is input the content into our content management system and sit back. We take care of the rest.” The apps can be designed for use on IPads, IPhones or Android devices.

The actual application design usually costs up to $2000, so this is a significant savings for churches and non-profits who are probably feeling the pinch of tight budgets right now, says McKee. Even small churches can benefit from a mobile app.

A mobile app can be used to help a church or other non-profit connect with its followers in a number of different ways. ROAR develops programs that allow access to audio and/or video podcasts of services, workshops or classes. Live video feeds are also available, allowing members to be a part of church life even when they’re out of town. Photos from events or mission trips can be a part of a mobile app as well.

Churches or other organizations can also provide relationship-building tools like an events calendar, links to related content, a locations listing or mailing lists. A prayer wall feature lets church members connect with each other, not just the church office, and a giving function supports the all-important mission of funding the organization. Even advanced options like push notifications, an RSS reader and a QR scanner can be part of the package.

“I love making a difference,” McKee says. “I am an entrepreneur and I believe creativity is a gift God means us to share with others.” McKee has served as a pastor for students and children in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently lives in Atlanta with his family.

Please visit the ROAR website at:

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Big Brother is Watching YOU!

Privacy has become a luxury that few people have the resources to afford. It seems our privacy is to be invaded at every turn. We know from past experience that anything useful and advantageous also has the potential for abuse and harm.

Look out everyone…big brother has arrived in style.

Security Tracking Systems For Today That Keep Up With The World Of Tomorrow

Metuchen, NJ, November 18, 2011

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Cell Phone Detectors

Security in this country is a huge issue; on a national level, and for corporations, prisons and individuals alike. This is where Berkeley Varitronics Systems comes in – a leading provider of advanced wireless solutions and security products to the domestic and international wireless telecommunications industry. CEO Scott Schober is a sought-after security expert who made a presentation at the inaugural Concordia Summit in New York City recently to top level political decision-makers from around the world that included Mikheil Saakashvili – President of Georgia, former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, former President George W. Bush, and Thomas Kean, former Governor of New Jersey.

Schober’s security team was part of the 9/11 first-responders who attempted to locate people buried under the rubble by locating their cell phones. BVS products can be used to detect anything – from people illegally crossing our borders, bomb threats, detecting smuggled cell phones in prisons, to protecting board room secrets of corporate America.

Berkeley Varitronics Wolfhound-Pro cell phone detector has been featured on Fox News. It is a precision, handheld, wireless sniffer specifically tuned to the RF signature of common cell phones for both U.S. and European bands and its high speed scanning receiver allows security personnel to locate nearby cell phones in either standby mode or during active voice, text or data transmissions. Instead of illegal and unsafe cellular jamming signals, this detector prevents wireless usage by detecting and even locating the perpetrator.

This product is vital in prisons where keeping cell phones out is becoming a major problem across the country, but especially in California where state prisoners are being bumped into local jails. Prisoners having access to cell phones is always a serious safety concern, but more so with gang members who use them to contact outside members, intimidate witnesses, or conduct criminal activity from inside prison walls. Cell phones can also be used to relay information on transportation of inmates, by giving date, time and route.

Berkeley Varitronics Systems are featured at all major security events. They were recently a featured company at the 4G World Conference in Chicago, where attendees were offered an opportunity to meet their guest spokesperson, Los Angeles Lakers star Andrew Goudelock. (Please see: Keeping America Safe) They also recently made a presentation at the Chiefs of Police Conference in Kansas where they demonstrated the latest in cell phone detection devices.

Located in Metuchen, NJ, Berkeley Varitronics Systems has been providing advanced wireless solutions and products to the domestic and international wireless telecommunications industry for over 38 years. For more information on this respected company, please visit: Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.

Security Items of Interest

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