Vote No on SB 277

Vote NO on SB 277 — Currently in CA, there is a bill before the legislature, SB 277, which would eliminate a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. Only a medical exemption would remain, which is usually only issued after a catastrophic adverse vaccine reaction has occurred, and often times, not even then.

Gardasil vaccine and box

Gardasil vaccine

Should this bill become law, it will apply to ALL students in California, whether they are enrolled in public school, private school, and parochial or religious school.  Children whose parents refuse  any  (or all) government mandated vaccines will be segregated and forced to home school. Be aware, however, that under California law home schools are considered private schools, so this, too, may not allow families to opt out of vaccines.

Here’s a list of only a few of the controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, aborted human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains.  

The only two versions of the MMR vaccine available today contain human diploid lung fibroblasts, which are cells that were grown from aborted fetal tissue. Religious parents who do not want to inject their children with aborted fetal tissue cells should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Three of the polio vaccines currently on the market contain cells grown from African green monkeys. Parents opposed to animal cruelty, those who are vegan, and those who do not want the cells of other animals injected into their children should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Vaccine Injections:  In addition to fetal tissue, some believe that God does not want their bodies or the bodies of their babies injected with neurotoxins, heavy metals, animal tissues, genetically modified organisms, live or attenuated viruses, cleansers, adjuvants, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. or to otherwise be created or altered by man.

They believe that those substances compromise their immune systems and destroy their health. They believe that there is nothing in vaccines that improves their health, and that God designed their bodies to function perfectly well without injecting foreign and toxic substances directly into their blood supply. And they believe that doing so violates the will of God.

There is no place for forced vaccination (or any other medical procedure) in a free society.

For more information —  Vaccine Fact Summary

Listen to this recording of Gary Null

Organic Bananas – are they worth it?

Banana’s are important to our diet.  They provide much needed potassium, prevent leg cramps, improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms. I like to buy organic bananas because it just makes sense and everyone I have told about them, has had the same reaction.  [See other benefits of eating bananas.]

English: Chiquita bananas.

Chiquita bananas – We don’t buy Dole.

The organic bananas look the same but that is where the similarities end. Take the peal down and expose the soft luscious banana.  You can visibly see and feel the difference.  The skin is firmer, even when ripe. The taste is indescribable: it is what a banana should be.


Bananas: Organic vs. Conventional

You may be thinking that all those chemicals used to grow conventional bananas are no big deal because you peel the fruit. But the chemicals are not just on the outside of the banana – they leach into the soil that is used to grow the produce. So even if you peel your banana, it doesn’t prevent you from ingesting small amounts of those chemicals. Although you may feel better knowing most  experts  agree that the amount you ingest poses little threat to your health.

If you’re concerned about the nutritional value of your food, there are ongoing  studies  exploring the connection between pesticides and nutrients in foods; so far it looks like organic is healthier. Organic produce is also better for the planet since chemical pesticides make their way into the soil and run off into water sources.

Give organic bananas a try.  They are simply delicious and your body will thank you.

We’ve been sold a bill of goods!

Everything you thought you knew is a big fat lie…

Antibacterial Finished Acrylic Medium Weight Yarn

Antibacterial Finished Acrylic Medium Weight Yarn!  WHY?

Use margarine, not butter. Use Canola oil, not lard.  Don’t use salt it’s bad for you… The list goes on and on.  It’s all been a lie, just to sell us more stuff. Well, you know that antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer, and the wipes they tell us we need?  You guessed it, all lies.  Listen to this…

The biggest marketing scam about these antibacterial soaps is that “they keep the germs at bay, protecting the individual from sickness.” This marketing lie tries to completely hide the fact that the average human comes into contact with hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses daily, and it’s the human immune system that prevents the illness, not the toxic  soap. The only thing the soap does is encourage bacteria strains to adapt and grow smarter and stronger, allowing new super-bugs to attack the immune system later on with more force and variability.

On top of that, methylisothiazolinone-laced products incite nerve damage. Similar in chemical structure to Agent Orange, the toxic soap preservative is often dished out on the American dinner table, as a thin layer of dish soap poison. The nerve toxin is so dangerous, Japan’s Standard for Cosmetics restricts its use in body care, while Canada has placed the toxic preservative on its Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetics Ingredients list.  [Read more…]

If you haven’t already started, take a look at the things you buy.  What’s in them?  These are not just harmless little chemicals.  They have lasting repercussions.  All those chemicals that you can’t pronounce are causing allergic rashes, they contaminate the drinking water, harm the fish and wreck havoc on the environment.

There are alternatives.  I’ve started making my own laundry soap.  It’s so cheap. There are tons of recipes, so don’t be afraid to experiment. I think I’ll try this one next. This is an awesome shampoo but there are many others.  You pay a little more, use a little less, the environment and your health wins.

So long as they can make a buck off us, they will keep producing garbage.  You deserve the best and your health may depend on it, so demand only the best.  You are worth it!

As for me?  I am getting as dirty as possible.  I believe those germs can keep me from getting sick.  So, I’m trying to get back to nature.  Try something new!

These articles might scare the pants off of you, but you need to know…

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