Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

PJ Media reports…

5 Signs That We Haven’t Lost America Yet

Benghazi, Boston bombings, the Gosnell massacre, the Cleveland kidnappings, the IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ snooping on the AP, war games with Iran and North Korea, civil war in Syria…

Last week my ability to mentally process world events felt like a cell phone when the data is throttled – it was almost too much to wrap my mind around. Some days I fantasize about life as a low-information voter, not caring about anything more important than what some Kardashian is up to. Barring sudden brain malfunction, I’m not likely to experience that kind of apathy any time soon, and the fact that you’re reading PJ Media tells me that you’re likely in the same boat.

Instead of spending the weekend wallowing in all the terrible things happening in the country and around the world, I decided to instead consider many of the positive signs around us that all is not yet lost.  [Continue Reading…]

These people just don’t get it.  They thought out names like Tea Party, Conservative, Christian, 9/12… All they are doing is trying to put us back in our little boxes.  Give a name, stereotype us and continue on  with  business as usual.    Heck I’ll even go out on a limb and say the Republican party is already gone.  They just don’t realize it yet.

I’ll bet if you checked the demographics of those holding the reins at the GOP, they  are all over 70 and their supporters are in their 50’s & 60’s.  Guess what is going to happen to the Republican party if this continues?    It will go the way of the Whig’s.  They would have us believe that Christian’s are all against smoking weed for medicine, and it just isn’t so.

I know we haven’t lost America yet, because of the pioneering spirit that still dwells inside us.  People are preparing as best we can for the inevitable ruination and collapse.  Our economy is going to crash, the powers that be have done everything they can to make it so.  But it’s how well we prepare and stick together that will make the difference in the end.

It’s not about the Tea Party, it’s about freedom.  Either we are a free people or we are slaves. If we are free, then we deserve the right, as free thinking adults, to do whatever we want so long as we aren’t infringing on the rights of others.  Government was necessary to regulate trade between the states.  But government has never been our master and it’s time we put it in it’s place.  Get with the program old guys.  This isn’t the Tea Party you were looking for — it’s the Libertarian Party — the one that trusts people to decide right from wrong.

I just have to mention…

“We are Raising Constitutionally Literate Kids”

I don’t know where you went to school but we learned the constitution in school, the only thing we really didn’t cover was the Federalist Papers.  But I consider school a jumping off point.  Most people look at school as the end of 13 years of education, I look at as the  beginning  of a long road.  We are constantly learning and educating ourselves.

So, enjoy your kids while they’re young.  Work a little, play a lot. They are only little once, and  they have their whole life to learn.


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Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act

What a joke.  They are never going to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act and I’ll tell you why.  The chemical company is in bed with most of our politicians.  They can say their going to repeal it:  â€˜Monsanto Protection Act’ might be repealed in Senate, but it’s never going to happen.

English: GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anb...

GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anbauflächen


  1. The Monsanto Protection Act was only enacted for 6-months and then it expires.
  2. By the time the Senators get around to doing anything it will die of natural causes.

In the meantime…

Monsanto has lots of court cases pending.  I’m certain that one of them, is the reason for the bill.  If the court rules against them, Monsanto won’t lose a dime.

Supreme Court Docket

I just wish the media would tell the truth, instead of half-truths and outright lies.  We have a lot of deception going on by everyone in government and the media, and for that matter congress.  It’s bad enough trying to make sense of what’s going on, but it’s really challenging when you have the whole establishment working again you.

I wish someone would create a law that would require lawmakers to actually READ each and every bill, BEFORE it can be voted on.  This is really where we need to start, legislators need to be held accountable for the bills the vote for.  Right now, there is no  accountability.

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Fibromyalgia and Diet

I have struggled with Fibromyalgia for the past 15 years or so and let me tell you, the pain at times is unbearable.  The pain is localized in my arms and legs. Anyone who has ever suffered from this ailment knows what I’m talking about.


I’ve been making my own bread these days to help get away from GMO’s and my bread doesn’t have all those preservatives in it.  But I don’t understand, my bread stays fresh without the preservatives.  So, why are they in there?

Last month I had run out of flour, so I went to my stock and got a bag.  Well it wasn’t organic bread flour. I had purchased it from Costco. Thank God it was only a 30-pound bag because almost from the moment I opened it my arms and legs went wild.    I didn’t think anything about it, except I prayed for the pain to go away.

Sandwich rolls

Last week I opened another bag of Giusto’s Organic,  High Performer High Protein Unbleached Flour  and I’ve eaten breads and rolls to my hearts content (and then some!)  and nothing hurts.  I can’t say for sure, but I’m guessing I have a sensitivity to GMO’s.  I know wheat is  not supposed to be a GMO product but frankly I don’t trust our government or the GMO producers  and I think the wheat crops are GMO. Who would be the wiser?

If you suffer from Fibromyalgia try eating only GMO-FREE breads and see if you don’t feel better.  Let me know if you notice a difference.    All my GMO wheat is gone  and it’s organic all the way from here on out.

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