How to cure seizures…

I was doing some research for a friend on seizures, specifically how to cure, not just treat the symptoms.  I came across this video and I just had to share it, not as a “how-to” deal with your seizures but as an example of what their drugs can do to you.

Notice her reactions, her coordination, and her speech patterns. It’s obvious this was an intelligent caring individual, who has been turned into a shell of her former self.  She has trouble focusing and staying on topic.  I hope she is able to get off the medication soon.

These drugs are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.  The cure, not just a “treatment,” is available and you won’t find it in modern medicine.  The medical community doesn’t want you to find answers.  They are still practicing on us. Hence the term practicing medicine  Don’t let them practice on you.  Modern medicine should teach you how to stay healthy.  It’s 2013, man!    They can fit a computer on the head of a pin, take pictures around corners and parse billions of pieces of information to answer a question in under a second.

They know what makes you healthy.  They know that people need proper nutrition.  Without it, you will get sick.  Don’t skimp when it comes to food.  You must change your thinking about food, buy the best you can and avoid the health care system or eat cheap and pay with your health and eventually your life.  That is the choice you are making every time you pick up a fork.

I would rather have my phone turned off, and the cable shut down than be forced to eat garbage, and that is exactly what you get, every time you go to the grocery store.  The GMO foods are not nutritionally sound.  So, do your homework.

We try to buy locally grown products local honey, really local eggs (raise our own chickens), not only does it support the local economy but you know and learn to trust those growing your food.  That is the only way I know of avoiding GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,”  pesticides and other chemicals harmful to my health.

Yes, we struggle where fast food is concerned.  But I have to tell you the truth, our family has made the changes together and it’s brought us all closer together.   When you get in your groove and  discover the foods that your entire family likes you’ll gladly give up the next McWhatever  to race home for what mommy made.    We eat more soups made from homegrown chicken and I think we feel better because of it and we are having a lot of fun together in the kitchen trying new recipes.

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Michigan contaminated and no one cares

I am so upset right I can hardly see straight. I knew something had happened to me and I couldn’t figure out what exactly.  Was it all the fluoride treatments I had in the early 70’s, each applied directly to my teeth? Was it the fluoride they put in the drinking water? Was it Dow Chemicals poisoning  of the Chain Lakes, MI, where I saw  fish skeletons, floating in the water, with my own two eyes, thousands of them — without their skin or guts, just a skelton?

Bitter HarvestI think I finally have the answer, though.

I’ve been searching for 30 years trying to find an answer for why I had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 18 and why I had tumors that I was told were just cysts that would dissolve.

Over 8 million people were poisoned in 1973 and they didn’t bother to tell us. How can that be?  Watch the real-life horror story called Bitter Harvest.  You will be outraged…

How can they just poison 8 million people and not bother to tell anyone?  What is going on in this country?  Why is the FDA so ineffective?  Why isn’t anything being done about it?

Now the FDA’s  new regulations won’t allow non-GMO or  GMO-free labels.  (From 2001, I don’t know where this stands now)  You’ve got to be kidding me!

Notable for companies wanting to advertise products as non-genetically modified is the fact that the FDA says it will not allow labels like “GM-free,” “GMO-Free” or “biotech-free.” The agency says guaranteeing a product to be free of GM material is virtually impossible. Instead the labels will have to say the food was not produced through bio-engineering. The FDA said it may take legal action against companies that violate these guidelines.

They aren’t going to quit until they kill us all.  We need to dump the FDA.  This demonstrates that it is  a useless agency and is causing more harm than good.  We’ve got to pay attention!

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Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act

What a joke.  They are never going to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act and I’ll tell you why.  The chemical company is in bed with most of our politicians.  They can say their going to repeal it:  â€˜Monsanto Protection Act’ might be repealed in Senate, but it’s never going to happen.

English: GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anb...

GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anbauflächen


  1. The Monsanto Protection Act was only enacted for 6-months and then it expires.
  2. By the time the Senators get around to doing anything it will die of natural causes.

In the meantime…

Monsanto has lots of court cases pending.  I’m certain that one of them, is the reason for the bill.  If the court rules against them, Monsanto won’t lose a dime.

Supreme Court Docket

I just wish the media would tell the truth, instead of half-truths and outright lies.  We have a lot of deception going on by everyone in government and the media, and for that matter congress.  It’s bad enough trying to make sense of what’s going on, but it’s really challenging when you have the whole establishment working again you.

I wish someone would create a law that would require lawmakers to actually READ each and every bill, BEFORE it can be voted on.  This is really where we need to start, legislators need to be held accountable for the bills the vote for.  Right now, there is no  accountability.

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