It’s time to decide…

Flintstones Vitamins Contain GMO's

Listen, the only way we are going to get rid of genetically modified food is to stop buying it. I know how hard it is, trust me.  My husband and I have been struggling.  We love to go to Taco Bell.

When they find the market has dried up for this crap, we’ll get real food again.  If we don’t stop this experiment soon, it will be too late.  I mean they are purposely giving us breast cancer and making us sterile and no one seems to care.

Please watch this.  If this doesn’t piss you off, you are beyond hope.

The leaders of Big Agriculture–Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta–are determined that world’s populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.

This award-winning documentary, Seeds of Death, exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet’s future if Big Agriculture’s new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.

Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Seeds of Destruction

I like this comment…

Buy groceries from Trader Joe’s brands which are non-GMO! Support those companies who care for you – boycott those companies who disregard your health, but prefer to fill their bank account at your expense.

And this one.  Want to move?

Makes me proud that Ireland is GMO free

Educate yourself.  Do all you can for yourself. There are lots more of us than their are of them.  Use your voice, call, write letters.  Expose them every chance you can.

I’ve been calling the companies that make the products we use.  Did you know Ocean Mist lettuce is a natural product, made with non-gmo seed?  It’s important to identify these companies and support them.

I am convinced that if we don’t make changes soon, it will be too late.  Matthew 24:22 says,  “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”  Could this be what the Bible was talking about?  I don’t know, but I’m very worried and you should be too.

Please watch the video and share it.  You decide.


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Michigan contaminated and no one cares

I am so upset right I can hardly see straight. I knew something had happened to me and I couldn’t figure out what exactly.  Was it all the fluoride treatments I had in the early 70’s, each applied directly to my teeth? Was it the fluoride they put in the drinking water? Was it Dow Chemicals poisoning  of the Chain Lakes, MI, where I saw  fish skeletons, floating in the water, with my own two eyes, thousands of them — without their skin or guts, just a skelton?

Bitter HarvestI think I finally have the answer, though.

I’ve been searching for 30 years trying to find an answer for why I had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 18 and why I had tumors that I was told were just cysts that would dissolve.

Over 8 million people were poisoned in 1973 and they didn’t bother to tell us. How can that be?  Watch the real-life horror story called Bitter Harvest.  You will be outraged…

How can they just poison 8 million people and not bother to tell anyone?  What is going on in this country?  Why is the FDA so ineffective?  Why isn’t anything being done about it?

Now the FDA’s  new regulations won’t allow non-GMO or  GMO-free labels.  (From 2001, I don’t know where this stands now)  You’ve got to be kidding me!

Notable for companies wanting to advertise products as non-genetically modified is the fact that the FDA says it will not allow labels like “GM-free,” “GMO-Free” or “biotech-free.” The agency says guaranteeing a product to be free of GM material is virtually impossible. Instead the labels will have to say the food was not produced through bio-engineering. The FDA said it may take legal action against companies that violate these guidelines.

They aren’t going to quit until they kill us all.  We need to dump the FDA.  This demonstrates that it is  a useless agency and is causing more harm than good.  We’ve got to pay attention!

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