What is wrong with America?

We ask ourselves what is wrong with America but we can’t quite put our finger on it. Then today it dawned on me.  This woman’s attitude is what’s wrong but if that weren’t bad enough she’s teaching her kids the same bad attitude, and history repeats itself.

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Barack Obama

I was playing dominoes and people are talking about their jobs, and the economy and this woman named, “jennifer” pipes up and types

I get $700 in food stamps, $650 for shelter, free phone, free heat, and my baby daddy pays me $1,200 a month in child support!

I haven’t worked in 6-years — Obama rocks, I say elect him again.

I don’t work, but I’m rich, thanks to Obama.

He makin yall white folks pay.

(The last sentence is how most of it was typed but I cleaned it up. It was in a chat window, so I can’t go back and get it.)

What a thing to be proud of! These people are the reason that the system doesn’t work.

I have a friend who runs her kids to emergency room at the hospital every time her kid gets a scrape or a sniffle.  And why wouldn’t she?  She’s got medi-cal, she doesn’t have to pay a dime.  She does this all the time, yet if I have to go to the doctor I have to make an appointment, because I can’t afford to visit the hospital, let alone stay there.

The last time I went to the doctor it cost me $450. and I left with a prescription in hand, to take to the lab for testing.  They weren’t sure anything was wrong with me, but they were going to test for all sort of things ($900).

Well Grandma said, “Don’t look for trouble, where there is none.

I didn’t get the tests, and if I had the money, I still wouldn’t.  It isn’t going to change a darned thing.

Shame on you “Jennifer” for not pulling your weight, for not standing on your own two feet.  You’re what’s wrong with America.  You are a drain on the system.  You take your Obama and you live it up, because girl you don’t even know the meaning of rich.  I’ll leave it there.

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