Weathering the Storms of Life

Have you heard the latest news on Gun Ownership in the United States?

Household Gun Ownership Hits New Low–Fewer Than One Out of Three American Households Has a Gun

Gun-Free Households are a Substantial Majority, Gun-Owning Households a Shrinking Minority

Washington, DCHousehold gun ownership in the United States has dropped to its lowest level since it peaked in 1977 according to a report issued today by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) analyzing new data from the General Social Survey (GSS) conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. The GSS has tracked household and personal gun ownership since the early 1970s and, except for the U.S. Census, is the most frequently analyzed source of information in the social sciences.

If this is true – and I don’t believe it is, simply because general distrust of our government has widely increased – wouldn’t it be just a little more conceivable that gun-owners have simply stopped registering their weapons? How do they account for guns sold in those states that have banned the federal registry of their guns? It would be impossible to keep any sort of accurate count in those states.

I know that the schools have done their best to make children afraid of guns and weapons with their idiotic “zero tolerance” policies that have expelled students for using a butter knife. It seems our so-called “tolerant” society isn’t all that tolerant.

What concerns me is what might happen when a major catastrophe hits, when  local government  services break down –  and they always do. Not only won’t you be able to protect your family against looters, but you won’t be able to protect the family cat or dog from a mountain lion either. Mountain lion sightings have become more and more common in populated areas due in part to their growing numbers combined with a shrinking habitat, as more and more houses are built.

All I can say is you better move near a river because you won’t be able to provide meat for your family either. Those without a gun will be at a definite disadvantage in their ability to feed themselves. We have plenty of wild  deer, squirrel and turkey in our neighborhood. If necessary, we could kill, dress and prepare food from the local wildlife in order to sustain ourselves.

When disaster strikes, will you be prepared?

911 Cell Calls

How reliable is 911 in an emergency?

911 Cell Calls

In an emergency situation a 911 operator can be a true lifeline. We teach our children that if help is needed quickly dial 911 and the operator will provide assistance. But are the 911 services as effective and reliable as we’ve been led to believe?

On the way home from a trip to Merced on Monday, April 28, 2008, as we turned onto the street where we lived, we were shocked to find a neighbors truck on fire. The flames were shooting high into the sky. Fortunately, the truck had been parked in front of the post office, in an area clear of trees and brush or our entire neighborhood may have went up in flames.

My husband immediately dialed 911 from his cell phone. I was flabbergasted when I heard a recording being played on the line. A short while later an operator finally came on the line. My husband informed the operator that a truck was on fire in front of the post office in Twain Harte, CA and that a fire truck was needed.

The operator informed him that unless he knew the cross street, she couldn’t take the report. I couldn’t believe my ears, my husband was literal dumbfounded – especially since the fire department was literally two blocks away. Anyone in Twain Harte knows exactly where the post office is. It’s a tiny community.

My husband expressed his disbelief to the operator. She told him she would try to pass the information along. Instead of waiting to see if someone would respond, we drove the two blocks to the fire department. I frantically rang the bell, and yelled fire. After what seemed like forever (probably only a couple minutes) a fireman came out on the balcony and asked if something was wrong. I explained that a truck was on fire in front of the post office.

911 Cell Calls

It took 15-minutes from the time we dialed 911, until someone actually showed up at the scene. Finally, a lone firefighter arrived to put out the still shooting flames.

I used to feel secure in knowing that if a fire ever broke out near our home that we were well protected. After all, we have three fire departments in very close proximity to this area. But now I’m not so confident.

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