Overwhelming Opposition even from Syria!

English: Inside the Saint Thecla (Mar Takla) m...

Inside the Saint Thecla Monastery, Ma’loula, Syria

I’ve been reading “Behind the scenes: Media interview following a Senate Intelligence Committee briefing on chemical weapons attacks in Syria” on Dianne Feinstein’s Facebook page. It really is heart breaking, people from Syria are tell us it’s Al-Qaeda, and Ms. Feinstein says she knows better.

In fact she says,  “They don’t know what I know. They haven’t heard what I have heard,” Feinstein said. “I like to believe after 20 years, I have some skill at separating the wheat from the chaff.” She thinks we are idiots and don’t have a clue.  Who doesn’t have a clue?  Read what one Syrian had to say…

 Al-Qaeda  had entered Maloula 2 days ago, Maloula is the only village in the world that speak the language of christ (Aramaic – Syriac).  Maloula is known with its churches and monasteries that strike deep in history in the monastery of Saint Takla «first martyrs of Christianity » this phrase is at the entrance to the monastery.

When you enter the monastery one of the nuns with her black clothes explain to visitors about Saint Takla and the history of Maloula .  Did the killers by the name of God (Al-Qaeda  freedom fighters)  read the phrase .. where is this nun now …. did that suicide bomber who blew himself up in the town look into her eyes?

Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra are now occupying Maloula and the USA are fighting in there site …  people of Maloula and Syria now have now few cities to live in peace  in without Al-qaeda. If the USA bomb us they will bomb us with Al-Qaeda  in the same site and we’ll lose the last secure part of our country.

It was a revolution against the dictatorship and It turned now to a revolution against humanity.  Keep your army out of our lands and seas please  and try to find a peaceful solution with Russia to end Syrian people suffer.

Vote NO please!

Ammar Nacio

I personally think Senator Feinstein should have retired a long time ago. She is out of touch with “we the people” and she doesn’t have a clue.  Call her today.  Tell her to vote NO on the war with Syria.

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Everybody knows social media works for businesses – but Matt McKee wants to put it to work for a better cause, not just during the holidays but all year long. Founder and owner of the digital development group ROAR, McKee is giving away free apps for one thousand churches and non-profits now through December 31.

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...

iPhone App

Each one will be developed individually, offering users the chance to download sermons from their favorite church, donate money, make prayer requests and more. Using social media for churches is the topic of McKee’s new e-book, Be Social: Social Media Handbook for Churches.

McKee points out that some church administrators may feel intimidated by the prospect of working with a mobile app to help keep members connected. But, he says, “You don’t need any development experience to run it. ROAR takes care of all the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is input the content into our content management system and sit back. We take care of the rest.” The apps can be designed for use on IPads, IPhones or Android devices.

The actual application design usually costs up to $2000, so this is a significant savings for churches and non-profits who are probably feeling the pinch of tight budgets right now, says McKee. Even small churches can benefit from a mobile app.

A mobile app can be used to help a church or other non-profit connect with its followers in a number of different ways. ROAR develops programs that allow access to audio and/or video podcasts of services, workshops or classes. Live video feeds are also available, allowing members to be a part of church life even when they’re out of town. Photos from events or mission trips can be a part of a mobile app as well.

Churches or other organizations can also provide relationship-building tools like an events calendar, links to related content, a locations listing or mailing lists. A prayer wall feature lets church members connect with each other, not just the church office, and a giving function supports the all-important mission of funding the organization. Even advanced options like push notifications, an RSS reader and a QR scanner can be part of the package.

“I love making a difference,” McKee says. “I am an entrepreneur and I believe creativity is a gift God means us to share with others.” McKee has served as a pastor for students and children in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently lives in Atlanta with his family.

Please visit the ROAR website at: http://roarapp.com/freeapp

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Are you voting for your priorities?

Let’s face it folks, Obama is going to lose this next election. He’s going to lose to whoever wins the Republican nomination. That’s a given. You’d really have to have your head buried pretty deep to not have accepted this by now.

Easy Cheese, with a Birth Certificate!

Frankly, he would lose to a can of Easy Cheese, assuming that it were able to provide documentation to meet the age requirement. I hear you can accomplish that for under $20 online.

So, assuming you’re intelligent enough to accept that Obama is going to lose, your decision is now which Republican from those that are seeking nomination will actually represent you for the next four years.

  • If you’re a progressive, you’re pretty much out of luck.
  • If you’re a RINO, you’ve got quite a few options which, I’m sure, the Mainstream Media  will do their absolute best to pick the best one for you. With so many to choose from, it could take months.
  • If you’re a conservative, there’s only one choice.
  • If you’re a liberal, there’s only one choice. Coincidentally, it’s the same one.

Who? The invisible man, of course!

The Mainstream Media would have you believe that Ron Paul doesn’t exist. That he hasn’t won every straw poll (from Values Voters Summit  to Iowa to Florida). The thing is, he does. Not only does he have a strong following, the highest voting  consistency of any politician in the last hundred years and experience in both his own business and congress, he’s the only potential nominee that could actually gain true bipartisan support – and actually make both sides happy.

Why? Ron Paul supports states rights. He believes government has no business legislating morality, nor imposing upon the rights of human beings. While he is Pro-Life, his position is that government should not be imposing this decision on the states.

Further, Ron Paul is a Christian, but his belief in the separation of church and state is an indivisible principle. Marriage is a religious ceremony, and thus it’s  dependent on the religion to determine what is a compatible relationship. If you take government out of that equation (as it should be), there’s nothing preventing a civil union between members of the same-sex.

Unlike Obama, who has started several wars since receiving his Nobel Peace Prize, Ron Paul would actually  get America  out of the nation building business.  And since there aren’t formal declaration’s of  war for any of them, we’d have most of our men home  within 30 days.  We wouldn’t be invading other nations, either. That’s not to say Dr. Paul is against war. As a former Flight Surgeon in the Air Force, Ron Paul  has served this man’s military and  has  seen first-hand the harm it causes.  Should the USA really police the world? Of course not.

Unlike both Bush and Obama, who increased the invasions into the privacy of ordinary citizens, Ron Paul has consistently voted against any legislation  that violates the premises of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ron Paul voted against the US PATRIOT Act (that’s a misnomer if ever there was one), and said “Everything we have done in response to the 9-11 attacks, from the Patriot Act to the war in Iraq, has reduced freedom in America.”

Unlike all the other hopefuls,  Bush and Obama –  Ron Paul  acknowledges the issues of the War on Drugs. A war against a large number of the population simply can not be “won”, and should not be waged.

Ron Paul has also made clear his plans to abolish the Fed, the  Department of Education, the Food and Drug Administration and bring our troops home.

Ron Paul opposes the subsidization of businesses here and abroad, and the government sponsored crony capitalism that it encourages. Cronyism, for example, is why two and a half cents worth of medication can be sold for a profit of 500,000% here in the USA.

Ron Paul supports homeschooling, a balanced budget and developing energy sources here at home, and true fiscal sanity that will encourage business growth and jobs in every community in America, possibly even saving some of those businesses left in the wake of a visit by Obama!

Assuming you haven’t completely thrown in the towel, and you’re not stupid enough to actually want a President Perry, you need to vote for Ron Paul in the Republican Primaries. For that to happen, you have to be registered Republican. Depending on the state you’re in, you need to change parties up to three months in advance.

Change now. Vote Paul. Save America.


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