Handfasting Ceremony

Have you ever been invited to a wedding ceremony, only to find that it’s not a regular wedding ceremony? As a Christian, when we realized what was taking place, I quietly excused myself from the handfasting ceremony and stepped out back, to be alone and pray.

Most of the guests thought the wedding was, “a little strange,” but the word “handfasting” was never used and most guests had no clue. At one point I even overheard the bride telling one of her guests that this was a “natural ceremony” and that the handfasting cord was “just something different” that the bride intends to frame as a keepsake.

It was all I could do,  not to say, “liar, liar pants on fire” or something a little more eloquent perhaps. Had we known that  the wedding was to be a handfasting ceremony, instead of a  Christian wedding ceremony, we would have opted not to attend.

Apparently, this is getting to be a common practice according to some of the websites I’ve been able to find on the topic. In fact one site just puts it right out there.

Subtle Wedding/Handfasting Ceremony

[The following wedding ceremony was written to provide for Pagans who must of necessity be wed in the presence of the uninitiated who are not pagan and are perhaps unaware that the bride and groom are pagan. Replace the words Bride and Groom below with the names of the happy couple…]

One website even claims that Christians are being wed in handfasting ceremonies, which I find very curious, as I don’t know of a single Christian couple who would be wed in a pagan ceremony.

According to Handfasting Info!

Handfasting is quite popular today, among many people who find that their own lifestyles call for an alternative joining ceremony to that provided by more typical weddings. Handfasting can be used by couples of the same sex, or by group marriages who wish to have more than two people in their families. They can be used by people who are members of Pagan (polytheistic nature religions), or by people who don’t necessarily share the same beliefs. There are also Christian and other folks who chose to use handfasting as their wedding rituals for various reasons, so don’t feel excluded form these resources.

The only thing I can figure out is that the couple has to know their religious views are totally wrong, or why wouldn’t they celebrate their love and their religious committments to each other publically? As a Christian I would never consider lying by inviting people to a Christian wedding ceremony and not telling them.

Why would they hide their pagan origins and call the ceremony a “natural ceremony?”   I didn’t see anything natural about it. From the portions of the ceremony I could actually hear, it sounded as though they were actually pledging their worship of the earth.

If you have a child, friend or family member who is involved in Wicca, please remember to pray for them daily. They are lost to the Lord and are so misguided they don’t even realize that they are in danger of eternal damnation.

Here are a few websites to assist you in understanding and in praying for your pagan loved ones…

  • What should Christians do if their child gets involved in Wicca?  – First of all, you need to read the Bible and pray regularly. You need to realize that this is a spiritual battle and that there are demonic forces involved. You cannot expect to win a spiritual battle if you are not praying.
  • Wicca Exposed!  – Wicca is the name for a contemporary pagan revival of witchcraft. Wicca is the name, and witchcraft is the game–and the Devil is laughing his head off. Although Wicca is new, the forces behind Wicca aren’t new.   Wicca is the same old wicked devil worship and rejection of God. It’s simply been warmed over and served to a spiritually devastated world. People would rather believe lies and do what they want to than believe the Lord and surrender to Him.   Consequently they will have no peace.
  • Hope After Hell – Wicca is a game so many people play.   A game that when  started, ends in many tears and many years of restoration.       Little did I realize how much damage I was doing to myself.   Not only to myself, but to others around me.

Webcast for Marriage

While only those 18 and older will be voting on Proposition 8 next month, their decision will have the greatest impact on those unable to vote: children.

Young people are constantly bombarded with messages in the media and at school that homosexuality and same-sex marriage are acceptable and good for our society. Many are confused by the conflict that arises between the culture and their family’s morality. Pastor Miles McPherson of Rock Church in San Diego is particularly concerned about the impact of homosexuality on young people.

Vote Yes on Prop. 8

Tomorrow his church will hold a special rally for young people that will be broadcast throughout the state and nation. We encourage you to tune in and help young people you know better understand this crucial issue.

The Fine Line: a Rally for Youth, Young Adults, and Parents

The Fine Line: a Rally for Youth, Young Adults, and Parents will be held at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 1, 2008, at the Rock Church in San Diego. The non-partisan event is free and open to the public.

The Fine Line also will be broadcast live via satellite to approximately 150 churches throughout California who have signed up with the CCN Network. (Locations may be found at iProtectMarriage.) The iProtectMarriage website is also prepared to live stream the event to thousands of users statewide.

"The goal of the Fine Line is to equip and empower young people and their parents to engage on this issue, and go out and DO something," said Miles McPherson, senior pastor of the Rock Church, and a former professional football player with the San Diego Chargers. "The church is under attack. Marriage as designed by God, between a man and a woman, is under attack. We need to motivate young people to be informed, to be strong, to be out there in the real world, confident and active."

The event will be simulcast by Church Communication Network from the Rock Church, San Diego’s largest Christian congregation and one of the fastest growing churches in the United States. Known for its multicultural and innovative worship and community service, the Rock features a high-tech sanctuary that seats 3,500. The Mountain View, Calif., based Church Communication Network provides programming in an array of ministry areas.

The youth-oriented evening will include music by rock groups the Katinas and Stellar Kart, and McPherson will speak. Live and video guests will include Ron Luce of Teen Mania, a youth outreach organization; Sean McDowell, a youth oriented Christian apologist; Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason, an organization that trains Christians to think clearly about their faith; Yvette Schneider of Exodus International, a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ; skate pros Brian Sumner and Christian Hosoi; and Kyle Loza, pro freestyle motocross rider and X Games gold medalist.

The program will culminate with an interactive panel in which speakers will present information on why we should vote yes Nov. 4 on Proposition 8, the Protect Marriage Amendment.

The Fine Line is one of three planned simulcast events in support of Proposition 8. Others include a broadcast presentation for pastors and Christian leaders which took place last Thursday, Sept. 25, and a future broadcast presentation to churches Sunday, Oct. 19.

Additional Resources:

Additional Upcoming Events to Support Proposition 8

The following are upcoming events sponsored by various Protect Marriage coalition members in support of Proposition 8.

Orange County Protect Marriage Townhall
When: October 02, 2008
Where: Covenant Presbyterian Church (St. Andrews Hall)
1855 N. Orange Olive Road
Orange, CA 92865

San Bernardino Protect Marriage Townhall
When: October 09, 2008
Where: Echos of Faith Christian Center
11255 Central Avenue
Ontario, CA 91762

Auburn Town Hall Rally
When: October 11, 2008
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 a.m.
Where: Auburn Library Garden Theater
350 Nevada Street
Auburn, CA

Ventura County Federalist Society
"Same-Sex Marriage in California: Legal Issues"
When: October 19, 2008
Where: California Lutheran University – Lundgren Events Center
60 West Olson Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Minneapolis Thought Police

Christians under attack in Minneapolis by City Officials.

By J. Matt Barber

If you’re a Christian working for the City of Minneapolis, watch your step – your job may already be in jeopardy. In what may be one of the most blatant acts of anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination by an American government agency to date, the Minneapolis Police Department has suspended a Police Psychologist, Dr. Michael Campion of Campion, Barrow & Associates, at the behest of pro-homosexual activists.

What was Dr. Campion’s crime? It seems that until last year he was a board member with the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), a Christian organization that advocates traditional family values. The Minneapolis Police Department admits that because of Dr. Campion’s Christian beliefs, and his former affiliation with IFI, he is now under suspension pending an investigation into his beliefs.

The Minneapolis incident is a sad replay of the character assassination Dr. Campion experienced at the hands of liberal activists in Springfield, Illinois last year. After a liberal rag, the Illinois Times, raised questions of Campion being on the board of IFI, an “anti-choice, anti-gay group,” the Springfield City Council dumped him as psychological screener for police and firefighter candidates.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that despite the fact that the Minneapolis Police Department admittedly gave Dr. Campion “‘high marks’ on ‘general procedural goodness and specific cultural fairness’ of his testing procedures;” he was nonetheless suspended soon after liberal city activists informed Police Chief Don Harris about his IFI affiliation.

Additionally, and equally confusing, is the fact that Sgt. John Delmonico, president of the police federation, admitted, “it never had any complaints about Campion.” Notwithstanding this admission, Delmonico told the Star-Tribune “…any issues that have been raised should be looked into.”

The Star-Tribune further reported, “Council Member Scott Benson appears to have been the first to hear of Campion’s beliefs.” Benson, while referring to a conversation with the Minneapolis P.D., told the Star-Tribune, “‘I asked them if given his background, should he be conducting psychological evaluations… They definitely should conduct an investigation and determine what’s fact and what’s fiction.'”

So apparently it’s that simple. If a person has Christian beliefs, he’s disqualified from working for the city of Minneapolis. This official government act of anti-Christian discrimination by the Minneapolis Police Department should send shivers down the spine, of every person of faith. It is a transparent and egregious violation of Dr. Campion’s First Amendment rights to both freedom of association and religion.

The message from Minneapolis is clear: The Constitution be damned! If you work for our city, and you happen to be a person of faith belonging to a church or public policy organization that advocates traditional family values, then you might as well clean out your desk now – because as soon as we find out…you’re done.

The Minneapolis Police Department has sworn to protect and serve, to uphold the U.S. and State constitutions, and to police its community. But now they’ve dangerously overstepped their authority. They’ve become the Minneapolis thought police… just the latest example of how the militant homosexual lobby, aided by willing liberal activists in high-level positions of government, will not rest until Judeo-Christian principles are abolished, and traditional notions of human sexuality, marriage and family are eviscerated.

Take Action Now:

Please let the city of Minneapolis know that government-sanctioned, anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination will not be tolerated. Telephone the office of Police Chief Timothy Dolan and express your outrage. You can also send an e-mail or letter to the addresses provided below:

Timothy Dolan
Interim Chief of Police
350 South 5th Street
Room 130
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1389
Phone: (612) 673-2853
Fax: (612) 673-2613

J. Matt Barber

About J. Matt Barber

J. Matt Barber is the Corporate Outreach Director for Americans for Truth, and a conservative, pro-family political strategist. A former undefeated professional Boxer; Matt now fights his battles in the ring of culture and policy. He holds both a law degree and a Master of Arts in public policy from Regent University. Matt is a contributing editor for TheConservativeVoice.com, and a contributor to the Washington Times’ “Insight Magazine,” AmericanThinker.com, and a number of other top online and print publications.

Copyright © 2006 by J. Matt Barber