No Fireworks

If you live in Tuolumne County, you know that means no fireworks. No fireworks because of the dry conditions, all the trees, and of course the  Stanislaus National Forest. I for one am kind of glad of the no fireworks law. We still end up with people shooting off fireworks and it scares me to death.

I love living in the mountains, I’ve been here about ten years now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s like being on vacation every single day of the year. I can sit out on my back porch and watch the birds, and the squirrels if I’m in a good mood. The deer meander through our yard, driving my dogs crazy. But they are so beautiful, especially the bucks.

Fireworks illegal in most places, discouraged in others

Law enforcement and fire prevention officers across the Mother Lode are reminding the public about the varying rules and regulations governing the use of fireworks.

While legal in some parts of Calaveras County, fireworks are outlawed throughout Tuolumne County and the Stanislaus National Forest.

Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Sgt. Jeff Wilson said it’s not only illegal to set off the fireworks, but the mere possession of any type of firework is outlawed as well.

The article goes on to say.

Residents can go to any Cal Fire station to dispose of unused fireworks or make sure ones they have purchased are legal, according to Williams.

Just be wary, when doing so. Police have been known to take down license plate numbers and find other reasons to go after citizens. In this day and age we have to protect our rights as citizens, the police in all their zeal to go after “drug dealers,” (read, pot smokers). They will stop at nothing.


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Got Chickenpox?

Apparently, there has been a chickenpox outbreak in Calaveras County – 7 cases have been reported. I don’t know why, but I find this pretty funny stuff.

Calaveras Chickenpox Alert

San Andreas, CA — The Calaveras County Health Department  would like to alert residents that there is a growing number of chickenpox cases being reported in the county.

“The Public Health Department is recommending that all parents check the immunization records of their children and teenagers,” says Dr. Dean Kelaita, Calaveras County Health Officer. “Children over the age of 12 months should have at least one dose of varicella vaccine, the vaccine that prevents chickenpox. Two doses are recommended for children, adolescents and adults.”

We decided long ago that we prefer to let the body take care of itself naturally, so we avoid putting chemicals in our bodies whenever possible and we choose not to vaccinate. That being said, getting the chickenpox as an adult is not a fun way to spend a couple of weeks.

So, when my son was about five, chickenpox were going around. I recall driving all the way from Citrus Heights to San Leandro, CA, just so we could expose my son to the chickpox. I was a little concerned because I have never had the chickenpox. I figured, well, if I come down with them, the two of us can have them together at least.

Wouldn’t you know it, we tried 3-times to expose our son to the chickenpox and he never did come down with them. Perhaps, some people just have a natural immunity or we both had such a light case of them that we didn’t notice. Some how, I find that hard to believe.

At any rate. If you have an otherwise healthy child, natural immunity always beats artificial hands down. Why not have your own chickenpox party?