RNC and GOP Wake Up!

Until George Junior’s second term, I had always voted Republican and I was proud of it. Since then, I am ashamed that I ever voted Republican and as far as I can tell right now, I will never vote Republican again.

Want to know why?

First Alleged Case of GOP Recall Election-Day Dirty Tricks



This is just the tip of the iceberg. Do we really want these people in office?  They’re crooks, liars and thieves and the Democrats aren’t any better. Wake up America! We have one choice … Ron Paul.

So, go ahead and pull all your nasty tricks, see where it gets you. People are leaving the party in droves. If one party ever pulls them all together, there will be no more RNC. The convention should be place where the party heads, leaders and others come together to put forth the best candidate to beat Obama. Not where you go to ram Romney down our throats. What is this love affair you have with Romney?

The guy is Obama 2.0, he ran Massachusetts like his own personal business, he’ll run this country into the ground the rest of the way with his social programs and big government. The problem, in case anyone is listening, we have too much government. Too many government handouts, too many government programs. We need to get government out of the way and unless we do, it’s all going to come tumbling down on our heads, and it won’t be pretty.

Now is the time to fix it. Now is the time to act. Don’t wait until it’s too late! The RNC needs to take a better look at Ron Paul and get behind him. We don’t want Obama 2.0 and we don’t need him. Wake up!

This is what I’m talking about.


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Earth Friendly Products

As the popularity of green product claims continues to spread, it’s important to understand the claims you can trust and the ones that are fooling you. Since the kitchen is the hub of the household and is said to harbor more bacteria than even the bathroom, it’s seems to be the most obvious place to start to be more conscious about cleanliness and the environment.

There are conscious choices and products you can easily incorporate into your kitchen to make it a healthier, more eco-friendly environment for everyone. Below are some tips and trusted kitchen products for a greener kitchen.

Use cleaning products and dish detergents that are 100% free of chemicals to wash your dishes, countertops and all surfaces exposed to food

Earth Friendly Products

Earth Friendly Products is the leader in the development and production of environmentally friendly cleaning supplies for household use with over 150 products manufactured with only sustainable plant-based ingredients that are safe for people, pets, and the planet.

The company proudly adheres to its strict “Freedom Code”, a list of harmful and toxic ingredients that are not found in any its products.

Think Twice Before Using Traditional Non-Stick Pans


GreenPan’s Thermolon, natural surface does not have the same harmful effects as traditional non-stick pans that are created with PTFE (PolyTetraFluoroEthylene) so no PFOA (PerFluoro0ctanoic Acid) can be released into the environment. PFOA is classified as a “likely human carcinogen.”

GreenPan is trying to educate Americans about the harmful effects of traditional non-stick cookware. Less energy is used in the application of Thermolon coatings onto the GreenPan product itself. This results in a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions during the manufacturing process compared to the application of a normal PTFE based coating.

Eliminate Aluminum, Go for Recycled Parchment and Cook In a Bag


PaperChef, a Toronto-based company founded in 2010, developed a line of products that includes parchment rolls, parchment cooking bags and parchment baking cups.

Sustainability and cleanliness were highly important, resulting in packaging made of 100% biodegradable FSC recycled paper printed with vegetable based inks. Storing and cooking with paper-over foil and plastic-is more natural and better for both humans and the environment.

The French method of cooking “en papillote”-a parchment-style method steams food to perfection and enhances natural flavors, without synthetic sprays and high-fat oils for simple, healthy meals. Entire meals can be cooked in a bag, which can then be re-recycled or composted.

Have Beverages On Hand That Are Produced Without Pesticides


Harvested using natural farming practices, all of Teatulia teas are cultivated without the use of pesticides, machinery and unnatural irrigation. The Teatulia garden was started in 2000 in order to give back to the community in a meaningful way. With 50% of the population below the U.S.poverty line the company sought to establish a business that would both protect our environment and provide a means to a living wage for the surrounding community therefore establishing the garden as a cooperative open to the workers and neighbors in surrounding villages. Each tea has its own unique, health benefit.

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Jobless rate continues to climb

Despite new articles with headlines proclaiming “Jobless rate falls slightly in Mother Lode in Oct.“, the unemployment rate, in fact,  continues to climb.

Jobless rate falls slightly in Mother Lode in Oct.
November 25, 2011 03:24 am

Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Continues to Climb

The unemployment rate fell in Tuolumne and Calaveras counties in October compared to last year, according to a recent study completed by the Employment Development Department which tracks local labor statistics.

Tuolumne County saw modest job creation and its unemployment rate fall to 12.5 percent in October, compared to 13.1 percent during the same period last year. However, it was a slight increase from September, when unemployment hit a two-year low of 12.4 percent.

The number of people filing for unemployment benefits fell from 3,320 last year to 3,160 in October, with the number of employed people climbing slightly from 21,980 last year to 22,020 in October.

Most job sectors saw falling or flat employment figures last month, with modest gains in government jobs and hospitality.

I guess if you don’t mind serving the Chinese and Japanese tourists, instead of going on vacation yourself, the increase in hospitality employment is a good thing. However, adding even more government jobs continues to take our nation down the wrong path to increased government spending. It’s a bleak outlook, no matter how the media tries to paint a rosy picture.


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