The NSA’s Own ‘6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon’

If the NSA is  harvesting data 2-3 points from everyone (and yes, they are), they have a map way more intricate that anything we could ever collect on our own. They know everything about everyone who has ever talked to anyone who has ever talked to anyone you have ever talked to. Think about that.

English: Kevin Bacon.

English: Kevin Bacon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In perspective, 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon  only requires “a link” at  some point in two people’s lives, nothing more substantial than a name in the credits. Yet, the NSA is collecting data 3 people away from everyone for every communication or other ‘link’. Everyone.

Oh, I’m sure that  many  will interpret the phrase  “terrorist suspects” to mean only the  million or so people  on the public  terrorist watchlist, but that doesn’t actually include the other “suspects” such as those who support the Constitution – you know, like every law enforcement officer, military member and duly elected representative in America is sworn to do.

Do you bank at BofA, where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of the recent Boston Bombings  also banks? That’s a “link.”

Do you use Facebook, where there are literally dozens of Al Qaeda affiliated groups? That’s a “link.”

Have you visited Twitter or Youtube, where the digital terror group (if you accept the FBI’s terminology)  ‘Anonymous’ shares information about their activities? That’s a “link,” too.

Or, admittedly my favorite example, did you vote for President Barack Obama, who has provided weapons to militant terrorists abroad  and personally signed off on the sale of guns used in well over 200 Mexican murders? That’s a “link.”

Oh, did you think you had to have actual contact with these people in order for it to count? Bah. Clearly you’re not familiar with how the law is abused in America today. Each time someone tells me I’m blowing things out of proportion with my pessimistic view of government, I send them the following links:

I read an article yesterday from the NY Daily News that tried so very hard to dispel the theory that the NSA is the American Stasi. His reasoning is perfectly sound, as long as you are willing to bury your head in the ground and believe every lie told to you.

The Stasi only wishes they had the ability to track and record every single movement and communication, along with legal authority to ‘disappear you‘ without judicial oversight. Where the Stasi  failed, our government has not only succeeded, but excelled. Why stop with targeting of those who are actually intending to do ill – heck, even after multiple warnings the Boston Marathon will never be the same. Meanwhile, Shia LeBeouf tells it like it was…OVER FIVE YEARS AGO:

Surely they don’t think the ever-goofy Shia is a terrorist? Must be the hair, right? Are you fed up yet?

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What is wrong with America?

We ask ourselves what is wrong with America but we can’t quite put our finger on it. Then today it dawned on me.  This woman’s attitude is what’s wrong but if that weren’t bad enough she’s teaching her kids the same bad attitude, and history repeats itself.

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Barack Obama

I was playing dominoes and people are talking about their jobs, and the economy and this woman named, “jennifer” pipes up and types

I get $700 in food stamps, $650 for shelter, free phone, free heat, and my baby daddy pays me $1,200 a month in child support!

I haven’t worked in 6-years — Obama rocks, I say elect him again.

I don’t work, but I’m rich, thanks to Obama.

He makin yall white folks pay.

(The last sentence is how most of it was typed but I cleaned it up. It was in a chat window, so I can’t go back and get it.)

What a thing to be proud of! These people are the reason that the system doesn’t work.

I have a friend who runs her kids to emergency room at the hospital every time her kid gets a scrape or a sniffle.  And why wouldn’t she?  She’s got medi-cal, she doesn’t have to pay a dime.  She does this all the time, yet if I have to go to the doctor I have to make an appointment, because I can’t afford to visit the hospital, let alone stay there.

The last time I went to the doctor it cost me $450. and I left with a prescription in hand, to take to the lab for testing.  They weren’t sure anything was wrong with me, but they were going to test for all sort of things ($900).

Well Grandma said, “Don’t look for trouble, where there is none.

I didn’t get the tests, and if I had the money, I still wouldn’t.  It isn’t going to change a darned thing.

Shame on you “Jennifer” for not pulling your weight, for not standing on your own two feet.  You’re what’s wrong with America.  You are a drain on the system.  You take your Obama and you live it up, because girl you don’t even know the meaning of rich.  I’ll leave it there.

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Hiding in Plain Site

Fading American Dream

Image via Wikipedia

Don’t you just love it when Liberals try to create the change they want to see, anonymously, instead of being upfront about who they are and what they hope to achieve? Why the cloak and dagger routine?

I received a piece of spam email, which normally I would ignore and simply delete but the sender was from, “Center for a New American Dream.” Sounds like something Obama would support doesn’t it? Maybe it’s a play on Martin Luther King, Jr’s, “I have a dream,” speech? The email began,

If you are like us, you may find yourself strung out at times. Long work hours, money pressures, not enough time for loved ones, lost connection to the outdoors – is this the American Dream? Maybe it’s time for a “new dream,” one with a better work/life balance and more value on nature and sustainable living.

I think most of us have already made drastic changes in our lifestyle, we are now living the “new lifestyle” the Democrats and Republicans want us to get used to, while they continue to spend our tax dollars like a drunken sailor on leave.

Instead of using one of the prepared links in the email, I  typed the url into my browser, then I looked up in Whois. When that search failed to bring up a named individual, you know the one paying for the website, I searched Google for the telephone number listed, which brought me to Nicole Berckes. Using another browser window, I searched on Nicole’s name and guess what I discovered? Nicole M. Berckes actually works for Senator Bill Nelson a Florida Democrat.

Of course, the address listed on the website, isn’t in Florida. The address “455 Second Street SE, Suite 101, Charlottesville, VA 22902,” actually belongs to “BitsBuilder is a tiny software consultancy headquartered in Charlottesville, VA.,” according to their website.

What is Senator Nelson trying to hide? How did they get my email address? Why the cloak and dagger routine?


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