Why are we afraid to die?

I think I’ve heard of everything now. The medical industry has seen the need –  or rather will create the need – for 3D & 4D ultrasound pictures of babies in the womb.

I know one young mother, who just happened to be on welfare, that would get an ultrasound every two or three weeks. I was so dumbfounded it left me speechless.  These things have consequences! I’ll bet most people don’t even give it a second thought.  The doctor recommends it, the mother is right there, because if a doctor said so, she “must” need it. [Read  The Dangers of Prenatal Ultrasound.]

You couldn’t pay me to go to a doctor. I mean, how dumb do you have to be to let them practice on you. Just this week one lady woke up just in time as  they were harvesting her organs. Maybe she was dead, maybe she wasn’t, but these people are paid to know!

Then a woman underwent a “simple hysterectomy” —  pardon me, but they don’t call it a radical hysterectomy for nothing —  they are doing major  surgery for crying out loud.  Hello?  Apparently, they nicked her colon and didn’t notice. She almost died.

Check the stats: more people die due to “properly administered” medical care than any thing else. That includes drug interactions,  immunization, treatments, and  surgery.  Do you know how many people go into the hospital just to get sick with something else? I couldn’t make this stuff up.

We are so afraid of dying that we will undergo just about anything. Have you seen some of those “procedures” they put people through?  No way.

I can’t think of a thing that I would go to the doctor for. Not one thing. We have a chiropractor we see regularly –  but I hate to compare him with an allopathic medical doctor — to me “doctor” is a four letter word and not good for much.  I’ve been to over 300 doctors in my life and I can name on one hand the number that did me any good.  They were all chiropractors.  I’ve had five major surgeries and you can stick me with a fork — I’m done.

I don’t care what they do with their Obamacare, but I don’t want it and mostly I don’t need it. They can’t make me use it and they sure can’t make me pay for it.

I had no idea that so many plants did so much.  I mean did you know know baking soda kills cancer?  Baking Soda! If I were a doctor, I would sure be embarrassed by that. Wouldn’t you? They are idiots, educated in a system that taught them only how to follow the rules and write prescriptions.

We’ve learned to take care of ourselves and I love it.  I’ll never be 100% again, thanks to certain medical doctors, but I feel better than I’ve felt in years. I’ve been to one doctor in the past 12 years. That doctor was a holistic doctor and I refused his $900 blood work-up, and any other testing.  He sat down and talked to me for about 45 minutes, charged me $275.00 and sent me on my way. He couldn’t help me, because I wasn’t willing, ready or able to change.

If I wanted to change, I know just what to do, but I’m not willing, therefore I’m going to die “sooner.” I’d be willing to bet money I will still live a lot longer since I stopped going to the doctor. They had me on so many drugs I didn’t know which end was up most of the time.  I was bad off and I don’t ever want to be that way again. I  know I can care for myself much better than any  medical  doctor who sees me only a few times each  year.

Besides, if doctors don’t even  believe in their treatments, why should I?

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Crazy Shopping Day…

Have you been out shopping?  I drove down the hill today to pick up some chicken base, so while I was at it I figured I might as well do a little grocery shopping. I remembered I wanted to bake some  Blackberry Bliss Bars  —  they looked so good — so I needed some coconut as well.

English: Front entrance of a Save Mart superma...

First I stopped in at Cost U Less (I love that store), for the chicken base. It seemed like everything was on sale. I walked in the door expecting to buy three items and ended up spending $75.  I can’t believe how expensive everything has gotten.  I saw they had chips on sale 2 for $5, I thought to myself, “that’s more like it.”  Only to find out when I opened one that they’re only 9 oz. I couldn’t believe it!    Guess we won’t be eating chips unless I make them at home.

On the way out of the store, there was a woman going through the boxes stacked up in front of the store.  I was putting away my receipt in my purse, while walking out of the store and accidentally ran over the  woman’s  toe.  I told her I was sorry and kept walking.  She got all ticked off, acting like a jerk. I don’t know what else she wanted me to do —  I said I was sorry.  I sure wasn’t going to kiss it for her.

Then I went to Save Mart.  Big mistake. I had to get coconut and they didn’t have it at Cost U Less.  I went down the aisle where the baking items are and the only coconut on the shelf was their store brand and I wanted the real deal — Baker’s — I think it tastes better. There was a sign that said more coconut could be found at the front of the store.

So, I walk around, and around these little islands they have set up at the front of the store but I’m not finding any coconut.  I asked a stock boy to help me, he turned around, then met up with some co-workers and I was a distant memory.    I asked another person’s help and they ignored me outright.

At the checkout counter, I told the cashier about not being able to find the coconut and you’d have thought I was invisible. It was really strange.  So, as I was leaving the store, I asked another cashier where I could find a manager.  She finally put me in touch with some — I don’t believe he was a manager but he said he was. I told him what had happened and I kid you not, his eyes just glazed over.

I ended with … “that is why I won’t be shopping here any more” and walked out.  He never said a word.

It went downhill from there.

I promised the hubby I would stop at KFC for a bucket of chicken. I left my son to wait for it while I went to Price Co. for the coconut.  Bad mistake.  I was getting frazzled by this time.  There were cars everywhere, so I slipped in between them all to park but I didn’t quite make it into the spot.  I was in fact parked almost diagonal. Some guy took me to task about it.  He quipped that I should slow down.

Well, I’ll spare you the details, let’s just say he didn’t have anything else to say to me after I told him to mind his own business…

By this time, I’m in a foul mood. Everyone else is in a foul mood. Merry Christmas.  If this is how things are out there NOW, what are they going to be like in a couple of weeks?  I know I won’t be venturing out again any time soon.  It will come in the mail (thank you Amazon!) or I don’t need it.

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Earth Friendly Products

As the popularity of green product claims continues to spread, it’s important to understand the claims you can trust and the ones that are fooling you. Since the kitchen is the hub of the household and is said to harbor more bacteria than even the bathroom, it’s seems to be the most obvious place to start to be more conscious about cleanliness and the environment.

There are conscious choices and products you can easily incorporate into your kitchen to make it a healthier, more eco-friendly environment for everyone. Below are some tips and trusted kitchen products for a greener kitchen.

Use cleaning products and dish detergents that are 100% free of chemicals to wash your dishes, countertops and all surfaces exposed to food

Earth Friendly Products

Earth Friendly Products is the leader in the development and production of environmentally friendly cleaning supplies for household use with over 150 products manufactured with only sustainable plant-based ingredients that are safe for people, pets, and the planet.

The company proudly adheres to its strict “Freedom Code”, a list of harmful and toxic ingredients that are not found in any its products.

Think Twice Before Using Traditional Non-Stick Pans


GreenPan’s Thermolon, natural surface does not have the same harmful effects as traditional non-stick pans that are created with PTFE (PolyTetraFluoroEthylene) so no PFOA (PerFluoro0ctanoic Acid) can be released into the environment. PFOA is classified as a “likely human carcinogen.”

GreenPan is trying to educate Americans about the harmful effects of traditional non-stick cookware. Less energy is used in the application of Thermolon coatings onto the GreenPan product itself. This results in a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions during the manufacturing process compared to the application of a normal PTFE based coating.

Eliminate Aluminum, Go for Recycled Parchment and Cook In a Bag


PaperChef, a Toronto-based company founded in 2010, developed a line of products that includes parchment rolls, parchment cooking bags and parchment baking cups.

Sustainability and cleanliness were highly important, resulting in packaging made of 100% biodegradable FSC recycled paper printed with vegetable based inks. Storing and cooking with paper-over foil and plastic-is more natural and better for both humans and the environment.

The French method of cooking “en papillote”-a parchment-style method steams food to perfection and enhances natural flavors, without synthetic sprays and high-fat oils for simple, healthy meals. Entire meals can be cooked in a bag, which can then be re-recycled or composted.

Have Beverages On Hand That Are Produced Without Pesticides


Harvested using natural farming practices, all of Teatulia teas are cultivated without the use of pesticides, machinery and unnatural irrigation. The Teatulia garden was started in 2000 in order to give back to the community in a meaningful way. With 50% of the population below the U.S.poverty line the company sought to establish a business that would both protect our environment and provide a means to a living wage for the surrounding community therefore establishing the garden as a cooperative open to the workers and neighbors in surrounding villages. Each tea has its own unique, health benefit.

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