Auto Bailout?

Why on God’s green earth should the government use our tax dollars to bailout GM and Chrysler?
According to an AP article, released today, GM CEO Wagoner to step down at White House request, GM and Chrysler have received $17.4 billion in bailout money and have requested an additional $21.6 billion.
My question begs an answer. Why on God’s green earth should the government use our tax dollars to bailout GM and Chrysler?
What have they done for us? The big three automakers have closed plants across the nation, and moved their production lines to Mexico and goodness knows where else. Why don’t they ask the Mexican government to bail them out? What are they doing for workers here in the U.S.A.?
I used to buy only American made cars, only to discover that just because those big corporate executives lived and operated right here in the United States, the parts are made and assembled by cheap labor in third world countries.
I no longer worry about supporting the big three because they don’t care about American workers, they only care about their bottom line. So, let them sing the blues to Obama. He doesn’t care about America either. He is trying to bankrupt this country and send all the money we’ve toiled to earn overseas, so that we can be taken over by his African home boys.