Allergy Season Hits Early

Allergy season has started already, according to the well-meaning folks at Doctors Express, who were kind enough to offer the following information for allergy sufferers.

Yes, we all know that allergies are no picnic but why should anyone have to live with this kind of misery? Those of us living in California may be denied the right to choose by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners, if we don’t speak out and demand the right to choose alternative therapies and treatment. The California Board of Chiropractic Examiners may soon make the choice for us all. [Learn more.]

Early Blooms Have Allergy Season Hitting U.S. Sooner Than Usual
Allergists Jammed So Local Urgent Care Fills Urgent Need

Nearly 40 million Americans are coughing, sneezing and tearing up a lot sooner this year, thanks to early blooms causing allergy season to hit much earlier.   Global warming is speeding up the growth of ragweed, the leading hay fever trigger, so allergists are prematurely jammed with weary and wheezy sufferers looking for immediate relief. That’s why urgent care centers like Doctors Express, are seeing a huge rise in allergy patients.

“Recent surveys show the average wait time to see a specialist is twenty days and people suffering from allergies don’t want to wait that long for relief,” says Dr. Scott Burger, co-founder of Doctors Express, the first nationally franchised urgent care with a center in your area. “By treating allergy patients, our urgent care is filling a desperate need in our health care system, especially this year with allergies hitting so many so soon in the season.”

Why So Many “Achoos!” So Soon?

  • Climate Change
  • Ragweed – Ecologists with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture believe global warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels is supercharging the growth of ragweed, the leading hay fever trigger. Not only is the ragweed growing larger and producing more pollen, the pollen is even more allergenic this year. 27% of Americans who suffer from allergies are sensitive to ragweed.  
  • Pine Pollen – Studies at Duke University show elevated carbon dioxide increases pollen production of loblolly pines, causing an epidemic of new allergy cases.
  • Hygiene Hypothesis – We have developed such an indoor lifestyle our children are not exposed to dirt and other outdoor elements, such as pollen. So when children go outside, their bodies go into attack mode and they may develop allergies to certain pollutants, like pollen.
  • We’ve Become Too Clean – Allergists say using household cleaning sprays like furniture and glass cleaners and air fresheners more than once a week can lead to allergies.

“People who have never had allergies in the past come to us thinking they have strep, bronchitis, or sinusitis when actually it’s allergies,” says Dr. Burger. ” These miserable allergy symptoms don’t hit conveniently from 9 – 5 on weekdays. We’re open full days, seven days a week when your primary docs or allergists aren’t even open .”

Make Yourself Comfortable (source: Mayo Clinic): Allergies are among the most common, but often overlooked, of diseases in the nation.   Other than medication, there are ways you can make yourself more comfortable this allergy season.

  •  If you’ve been outside, take a shower before going to bed and change into fresh clothing so you don’t bring the pollen that may have clung to your skin, hair or clothes onto your sheets.   Also, wash your sheets often.
  • Close your windows (and opt for air conditioning ) at night if the pollen count is high.
  • Avoid outdoor activity early in the morning when pollen levels are at their highest.
  • The best time to go outside is after a good rain, which helps clear pollen from the air.
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, and use a portable HEPA filter in your bedroom.

The following herbs may be of some benefit in treating allergies (source: Mayo Clinic):

  • Butterbur may help relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
  • Stinging nettle may improve symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
  • Choline may help relieve symptoms associated with asthma.

More research is needed before these therapies can be recommended as safe and effective. If you’re interested in adding alternative therapies to your treatment plan, always talk with your doctor first. He or she can help you understand which therapies are most likely to help in your case. Your doctor can also provide information about potential health risks and drug interactions.

Top 10 Cities with the Worst Spring Allergies:  

Knoxville is ranked the worst city in America to live if you suffer from spring allergies.   Did your city make the 2011 list (source:  Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America)?

1.  Dayton, OH
2.  McAllen, TX
3.  Wichita, KS
4. Louisville, KY
5.  Jackson, MS
6.  Knoxville, TN
7.  Greensboro, NC
8.  Madison, WS
9.  Chattanooga, TN
10.  St. Louis, MO

Benefits of Milk?

Raw Milk and Raw Eggs – – Can You Safely Eat Them?

The dairy association seems bent of getting out their message that everyone needs milk. The number of commercials extolling the benefits of milk are seemingly endless. After contemplating the growing number of choices available in dairy case at my local grocer, it appears the message is being heard loud and clear.

The choices seem limitless; from organic milk, low-fat milk, kefir milk, soymilk, goats milk and more. How’s a mother to choose?

Growing up near Shelby, Ohio I remember getting our milk fresh from the farm, in glass gallon jars, and skimming off the cream to make our own butter. I never gave a second thought in those days wondering where my milk came from.

Since my son came into the world, it’s been a different story. I’m constantly considering where our food and drink comes from in an attempt to provide him with healthy choices. Parents have a great deal to worry and the list gets longer each day. The more I learn, the more I come to realize just how little I know.

In fact, just last year I stumbled across information on raw milk. Never having heard the term, of course I was interested and took the time to investigate it. Little did I know that I had grown up drinking what is now referred to as “raw milk”. We certainly didn’t call it that when I was young; it was simply “milk”.

After learning more about raw milk many things became clear to me. For instance, when our family moved to Citrus Heights, I became painfully aware of the effects of asthma. Since no one in my family had a history of asthma, I had to learn how to live with it. I discovered that a growing percentage of people especially children develop asthma, who live in the California Valley.

The treatment for asthma starts with inhalers and normally graduates to breathing treatments. In most cases the use of inhalers becomes a lifelong ordeal. Knowing I did not want to end up tied to an inhaler my entire life; I avoided using it as much as possible and moved out of the valley as soon as we could. Of course, I kept reading.

After moving to the mountains fortunately my asthma cleared right up all on it’s own. I haven’t used an inhaler in about five years. I’m thankful I didn’t become dependent on an inhaler.

Many parents don’t have the option of moving their children to the mountains and out of the valley. But there is an alternative.

In his article entitled, “Keeping Your House Clean Puts Asthma Sufferers at Risk,” Dr. Mercola had this recommendation:

Replacing commercial milk with raw milk from grass-fed cows is also usually well tolerated and highly health promoting. There is simply no reason to ever drink or consume regular pasteurized milk products. They almost invariably will cause the asthma to worsen. The only acceptable milk products would be raw unpasteurized milk. That may seem impossible to get but there are two ways one can obtain it.

In another article titled, “Why You Don’t Want to Drink Pasteurized Milk,” Dr. Mercola had this to say:

There is no substitute for clean, raw milk as a food, so far as children are concerned. Science has not yet succeeded in providing, in the pasteurized variety, those essential qualities that are the only real foundation for a healthy child.

Unfortunately, many grossly distorted statements are current regarding our milk supply. If we are to believe the protagonists of the Pasteurization-of-all-milk-at-all costs Party, raw milk is as good, or rather as bad, as rat poison–although as the Minister of Agriculture recently stated, “the human race existed long before Pasteur was heard of.”

On Organic Pastures (where I get my milk) website I found…

Natural organic raw milk has in it vitally important living things. These include the following: beneficial bacteria, enzymes (including lipase, protease, and other), lactase forming bacteria, and many enzyme based pathogen-killing systems. The common practice of pasteurization inactivates or dramatically reduces the effects of these important active (living) elements. As a result, you may be lactose intolerant when drinking pasteurized milk, but not lactose intolerant when you drink raw milk. This is because lactase enzymes are being formed when you digest raw milk. That is why we say; “only living milk brings life.”

They go on answer an all-important question…

What happens to bacteria in pasteurized milk after pasteurization?

After pasteurization, bacteria found naturally in milk are killed. During the high temperature heating process, cell bodies of these bacteria are ruptured and their contents are spilled, releasing histamines. This causes many milk drinkers to suffer allergic reactions. Almost all of these same consumers can drink raw milk and not have allergies. The high levels of bacteria permitted in milk intended for pasteurization are still found in pasteurized milk; they are just dead and not removed by the process.

You will find a great deal of information and some very good reasons to provide only raw milk products for your family to drink on the Organic Pastures website.

If you haven’t heard of drinking raw milk or if someone in your family suffers from allergies, asthma, lactose intolerance, you owe it to your family members to get more information on the benefits of raw milk.

My husband and I who both suffer from lactose intolerance have both discovered that we don’t have any problem drinking raw milk and it tastes so much better than that fake stuff they are peddling on television.

Try some raw milk, then drop me a note and let me know what you think.

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