Gates Vaccine Crimes

Why haven’t the courts here in this country taken these peddlers of death and disease to task? Read just part of the charges against them…

Gates Foundation, WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF Behind Chad
Vaccine Disaster

English: A Somali boy receives a polio vaccina...

A Somali boy receives a polio vaccination at the Tunisian hospital in Mogadishu. The hospital treats local diseases, malnutrition, and other injuries.

In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school, threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education.These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing.

Within hours, one hundred and six children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village. [Read more…]

Then to add insult to injury…

After being shuttled around like cattle, many of these sick, weak children were finally dumped back in their village without a diagnosis and each family was given an unconfirmed sum of £1000 by the government. No forms were signed and no documentation was seen. They were informed that their children had not suffered a vaccine injury.

They are playing with the lives of our children and Bill Gates, among others, must be stopped before they injure or kill all our children.  Gates has publicly stated he can lower the worlds population by the use of vaccines.

America’s Test Kitchen School Review

I signed up for a trial membership of  The America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School.  I stayed about an hour and tried out two of the lesson plans.  Boy was I disappointed.

...or how to make your cooking look repulsive....

Oh, they have thought of everything.  There was more reading to do than I like.  I have to read stuff all day long and the videos work just fine for me.  Yes, I admit to being lazy. The lessons include:

* IQ Quizzes – These fun quizzes appear at the start of Technique Lessons and In-Depth Course sections and are designed to both gauge your current understanding of the topic and teach you some basics before diving into course material. Detailed feedback is supplied for each response and a summary of your results is supplied at the end.
* Concept Reviews – These are interactive quizzes that test how much information you’ve learned. Do you understand the key concepts that will ensure good results in the kitchen? You’ll receive detailed feedback as you answer each question and a score at the end.
* Core Technique Videos  – These videos, found in Technique Lessons and In-Depth Courses, are focused on a single important core technique and will help build cooking knowledge. You will learn techniques that apply to thousands of recipes, such as how to sauté chicken or how to make risotto, as well as more specialized techniques, such as how to tie a roast or how to blind-bake a pie shell. Watching these videos will prepare you for the recipe tutorials where you’ll be applying many of these core techniques. Most importantly, these videos review key concepts that will increase your understanding of course material.
* Recipe Tutorials – Recipe tutorials are where the cooking happens. After we introduce a recipe to you and list the required tools and ingredients, you’ll watch Bridget cook in an extensive step-by-step video tutorial and hopefully, cook along with her – that is if you’ve got an ipad or laptop and can bring her into your kitchen.
* Discussions – Class discussion is a key part of your learning experience. Clicking the discussions icon in the upper right-hand corner will allow you to start/or contribute to these at any point in a lesson. As a student and peer, your participation is key. You will add valuable insight by participating in discussions, enriching the learning that takes place, and allowing other students to learn from you. We encourage you to participate in class discussions often!


Instructors are available, but that’s extra.

The reason I didn’t stay a member?  I took the tutorial on Eggs.  They had the nerve to say that store bought eggs were just as good as farm fresh eggs.  Excuse me?  I raise farm fresh eggs and nothing could be further from the truth.  They also claim there is no nutritional difference.  Saying it does not make it so, you can see the difference.  I don’t care what they say.  Just crack an egg open.

They are being politically correct and not telling people the truth.  Most store bought eggs come from chickens who are eating GMO’s.  You can’t talk about food and not hit on this subject and pretend it doesn’t exist.  So, I cancelled my free membership, that I had to give a credit card number to get.  It’s so not worth it, when you can get good accurate information for free.

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Working From Home…

A location at the Savi Ranch Center in Yorba L...

Image via Wikipedia

With the economy in the toilet, inflation going strong and the poor job outlook — thank you, Obama —  many people are scrambling to make some “extra” money, so they can keep the lights on and food on the table. Many people have discovered that their home computer and printer will allow them to work from home to earn a few bucks.

Sure, it looks easy enough. Since we are already plugged into the World Wide Web, anyone can work from home. And yes, this is true — but — once you have drummed up enough work to make it a worthwhile endeavor, you soon realize the cost of working from home — on the body.

Sitting in an office chair —  or worse —  a kitchen chair for several hours every day puts a tremendous amount of strain on the back and  the neck for starters.

Ergonomics is a huge issue. At the very least you will need an adjustable height office chair, one that fits you well. I love shopping for office chairs at Office Max because, unlike Staples, they actually rate every single chair in their showroom in “hours.” I normally sit at least 8-hours a day but out of ignorance, I was buying chairs that were  rated for only 3-5 hours.

Did you know a chair will last longer and perform better if you switch it out frequently — just like your shoes? I’ve found that buying two pairs of shoes and swapping them out daily will make my shoes last not twice as long as you would suspect but actually for at least four times as long. (Barring any unforseen mishaps, of course.)

Having a comfortable chair, one that is rated for the amount of time you actually plan to sit in it, will make a big difference in your overall comfort level.

If you are starting out on a “shoestring” budget, don’t fret. Most areas have used furniture stores, flea markets, freecycle, etc… You can get a nice one  free if you ask around and let people know you are in the market. I found a perfectly good fully adjustable chair at a local junk dealer for $49 — the chair was originally sold for well over $300. This chair has held up for years, much better than the 9 new chairs I have bought at prices ranging from $49 to $299, plus warranty.

I don’t normally  purchase extended warranties but when purchasing a chair, or a printer, I always buy the extended warranty. We shop a great deal at Staples because we live in a rural area with few shopping options. Staples has a terrific extended warranty, if it breaks within the warranty period (usually between 1 and 3 years), they will replace it, no questions asked. They actually give you the full purchase price that can be used toward any item at the store. You can’t beat that. Rarely does an office chair or printer last longer than 3 years.

I’ve known many men and women who work from home over the years. The most common complaint from those who are new  at it is how hard it is  to sit for hours on end. The other most common complaint is eye strain from staring at a screen for the same period (or more!).

I’d like to offer up a few tips for those who are new to working from home and those who are struggling or considering a work-at-home career move.

Additional Work from home tips:

  • Invest in a telephone headset and use it. – I can’t believe how many people I speak to on the telephone, daily, who I am positive have neck problems. I can tell they are struggling to hold the phone against their ear, while trying to type at the same time. It simply doesn’t work. (Cost  $20.00+)
  • Take time for yourself. – Computers have gotten more complicated over the years. They add as much pleasure as they do frustration to our lives. I’ve put up a few bird feeders out back, where I can enjoy what I like to call a “mental health moment.” It’s a good idea to set up an area in your home (or outside your home) that makes you feel good and helps to calm you. It’s amazing how much a even a 10-minute break can help calm the nerves.
  • See your Chiropractor. – Regular chiropractic care helps to keep our spine in  alignment, helping our bodies to evenly distribute our weight and assist our organs in functioning properly. Chiropractic care is an inexpensive way to stay healthy. Our family goes weekly, but even monthly maintenance visits can provide a tremendous boost to your system and quality of life.
  • Do what you love. – This is probably the most important tip. Working at something you hate will take a physical and emotional toll on the body. Find something that you truly love and make it work for you. If you do what you love, people will love you for it.
  • Don’t make money your focus. – If you are only working for a paycheck, you aren’t a very happy person  (of course being able to pay the bills is nice, so don’t just up and quit). We all have money issues but try not to get distracted by them. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to make any business venture work. You must stay focused on the business, not on your growing stack of bills. Worrying won’t help a thing but diverting your attention from the work at hand could cripple your ability to function productively. Stay focused on working your business.
  • Keep a positive mindset. – One of the hardest things for me is to maintain a  positive attitude  during these rough economic times. I have  enlisted my  spouses help. I tend to be a chronic worrier, so when I ask him how we are doing, he always tells me, “we are doing fine,” and we always are. It helps to have his feedback and support. When things get tight, we pull together to fix the issue. Staying in a positive mindset is essential to work-at-home families. (Otherwise, it’s like living in a war zone — no good for anyone.)
  • Make space for work. – One of the most common reasons for for a work-at-home business to fail is neglecting to provide a distinct workspace. Not just a computer and desk to sit at when you’re working, but a dedicated space that won’t be infringed upon by personal bills, homework, meals, and entertainment. Dedicating even  just a few square feet of space to the business will help you focus while you’re working, which will help enable you to enjoy more time when you’re not working. This method prevents the business from consuming every aspect of your life.

You might take the stance that  “hey, you don’t have my bills,” or “you haven’t walked in my shoes.” But I can tell you honestly, I’ve been homeless more times in my life than I care to recall, so I won’t. I’ve pulled myself out of the depths of poverty many times — and often with help from unexpected places.

I’ve been through recessions, depressions — heck, I’m from Michigan.  The economy in Michigan hasn’t been good since the early 70’s. I remember in the early 80’s the most common  Michigan quote was, “Would the last person to leave, please turn out the lights.” This was during the mass exodus that took place in  80-84, when everyone in Michigan (or so it seemed) moved to Texas because of their huge construction boom.

My late husband and I moved to Houston in August of 1983, three days before hurricane Alicia hit the Galveston/Houston area. I was terrified. It’s one of the worst  storms I’ve ever experienced.

I guess I’ve gotten a little off track now but my point is that no matter the economy, those who are prepared and willing to work hard, will find a way to make it work.

Just remember to: Always use the right tool for the job

Employment Resources:


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