Pepsi Are You Listening?

Here I sit sipping an ice cold Coca-Cola and I’m fuming mad. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I practically live on Pepsi, and not that diet stuff, for those brave souls into chemical abuse. No, I exist on a diet high in high-fructose corn syrup…but at least I was loyal.

"This van was parked outside of the Women...

It's a Child Stupid.

Every time I have to open a Coca-Cola, an RC Cola or some other non-Pepsi cola product, I get angry all over again.

The way I see it, the only people who are for abortion are alive. I wouldn’t be here now if abortion had been legal in 1960. My grandfather wanted my mother to abort me. The unborn deserve a voice and I’ve stood strong against abortion for most of my life — even going so far as to chain myself by the neck to a building and spend a week in jail. I don’t regret one moment of it.

Your business practices make me physically sick to my stomach. This is worse than cannibalism — you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity — if we had any real legal system in this country. Even your shareholders agree…

Pepsi Getting Heat for Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Flavor Research

Shareholders of PepsiCo have filed a resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort to force the company to stop contracting with a research firm that uses cells from aborted babies in its process of producing artificial flavor enhancers. According to, Pepsi has “ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.”

On its website Senomyx explains that its flavor research programs “focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products. Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”

But Debi Vinnedge of Children of God for Life, a pro-life group that has focused its attention on Pepsi’s relationship with Senomyx, pointed out that what the company does not reveal is that it is “using HEK293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”

Stop this horrendous practice immediately.

As a little added incentive you should know that I personally spend over $200 a month, just on Pepsi soda for my own consumption…that figure does not include all the other PepsiCo products, which I will no longer be buying. Think about it. Pepsi had a very solid, loyal customer base. Can Pepsi afford to ignore us all? Not and stay in business.

Think About IT.

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Big Brother is Watching YOU!

Privacy has become a luxury that few people have the resources to afford. It seems our privacy is to be invaded at every turn. We know from past experience that anything useful and advantageous also has the potential for abuse and harm.

Look out everyone…big brother has arrived in style.

Security Tracking Systems For Today That Keep Up With The World Of Tomorrow

Metuchen, NJ, November 18, 2011

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...
Cell Phone Detectors

Security in this country is a huge issue; on a national level, and for corporations, prisons and individuals alike. This is where Berkeley Varitronics Systems comes in – a leading provider of advanced wireless solutions and security products to the domestic and international wireless telecommunications industry. CEO Scott Schober is a sought-after security expert who made a presentation at the inaugural Concordia Summit in New York City recently to top level political decision-makers from around the world that included Mikheil Saakashvili – President of Georgia, former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, former President George W. Bush, and Thomas Kean, former Governor of New Jersey.

Schober’s security team was part of the 9/11 first-responders who attempted to locate people buried under the rubble by locating their cell phones. BVS products can be used to detect anything – from people illegally crossing our borders, bomb threats, detecting smuggled cell phones in prisons, to protecting board room secrets of corporate America.

Berkeley Varitronics Wolfhound-Pro cell phone detector has been featured on Fox News. It is a precision, handheld, wireless sniffer specifically tuned to the RF signature of common cell phones for both U.S. and European bands and its high speed scanning receiver allows security personnel to locate nearby cell phones in either standby mode or during active voice, text or data transmissions. Instead of illegal and unsafe cellular jamming signals, this detector prevents wireless usage by detecting and even locating the perpetrator.

This product is vital in prisons where keeping cell phones out is becoming a major problem across the country, but especially in California where state prisoners are being bumped into local jails. Prisoners having access to cell phones is always a serious safety concern, but more so with gang members who use them to contact outside members, intimidate witnesses, or conduct criminal activity from inside prison walls. Cell phones can also be used to relay information on transportation of inmates, by giving date, time and route.

Berkeley Varitronics Systems are featured at all major security events. They were recently a featured company at the 4G World Conference in Chicago, where attendees were offered an opportunity to meet their guest spokesperson, Los Angeles Lakers star Andrew Goudelock. (Please see: Keeping America Safe) They also recently made a presentation at the Chiefs of Police Conference in Kansas where they demonstrated the latest in cell phone detection devices.

Located in Metuchen, NJ, Berkeley Varitronics Systems has been providing advanced wireless solutions and products to the domestic and international wireless telecommunications industry for over 38 years. For more information on this respected company, please visit: Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.

Security Items of Interest

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Doctors see chinks in vaccination armor

5 year old boy with chicken pox

Image via Wikipedia

The headline read…

Doctors see chinks in vaccination armor: As parents opt out of getting shots for their children, diseases such as whooping cough and measles make a comeback when ‘herd immunity’ crumbles.”

Yep, all of the sudden kids just decided to start getting whooping cough for some unknown reason. What they aren’t telling you is that because they have allowed our borders to be overrun with illegal immigrants who carry and/or are sick with any number of diseases. They come to the U.S., they shop in our stores, frequent our restaurants, work in our businesses and spread disease.

As students return to middle schools and high schools in California this fall, they will need more than fresh notebooks and apples for their teachers. Thanks to a state law that took effect last month, students entering grades 7 through 12 will need proof that they received a vaccine for whooping cough.

The law was prompted by last year’s outbreak of the highly contagious respiratory infection, which is also known as pertussis. Nearly 9,500 cases were reported in California, the most in 65 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ten patients died; all of them were infants, including nine who were too young to be vaccinated.

Of course, the article fails to inform readers that parents still have the ability to opt out of the shot, just as they can with any other vaccination. That said, I would be concerned about sending my child into the public school these days. Schools are incubators for disease. Not much has changed really. My niece came home with headlice every other week when she attended public school. She had beatiful long hair, but she liked to wear it down – big mistake.

They keep forcing more and more vaccines on children at younger and younger ages. I really think their little immune systems are being overloaded with chemicals, preservatives, genetically modified foods, and with the addition of  vaccines it can be a lethal chemical combination. Yes, we were fearfully and wonderfully made but the body can only take so much abuse.

Grandma always said, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

I’ve had the measles, it was a childhood ritual when I was growing up. Yes, it can cause death, in just about the same number of instances as vaccines do. The difference is natural immunity lasts a lifetime and has no additional side-effects. Death is a fact of life and there are times when we must accept it.

I was concerned because my son never had the chicken pox, even though we attended more than one chickenpox party. Both of my sisters had the chicken pox but I never did come down with it. I was a bit concerned about being exposed but I knew if my son came down with it, the chances were go that I would as well. Fortunately, neither of us did.

As parents we try to use common sense when seeking medical care for our son. All children are not created equal. Some children are pretty hardy and seem to take things in stride. I was vaccinated for everything and I’ve lived with a lifetime of pain that began when I was about 8-years-old. I had another medical crisis immediately following the addition of 14 amalgam fillings to my teeth. I can’t prove it, but I believe I had mercury poisoning.

I learned the hardway that doctors can not be trusted, the FDA does not have our best interests at heart and that actions have consequences. Don’t allow your doctor to bully you. If you aren’t sure how to proceed. Do your homework and seek a second option from someone you trust.

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