EduTalk to Discuss 'The Underground History of American Education'
Beginning June 1st the EduTalk group we will begin reading John Taylor Gatto’s book, “The Underground History of American Education.”
This book is a must read for parents.
In order to understand where public education is headed, we must understand the roots of our educational system.
In the prologue we are introduced to Bianca a wide eyed six year old.
Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up!
Our problem in understanding forced schooling stems from an inconvenient fact: that the wrong it does from a human perspective is right from a systems perspective. You can see this in the case of six-year-old Bianca, who came to my attention because an assistant principal screamed at her in front of an assembly, "Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up!" Like the wail of a banshee, this sang the school doom of Biana. Even though her body continued to shuffle around, the voodoo had poisoned her.
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After much contemplation I’ve decided to hold a second reading of Gatto’s book. The book is a difficult one to get through alone but it holds so much information that I really feel it should be required reading for all parents.
If you have friends or family who simply do not understand why you homeschool or friends who’s children are still in school but simply not doing well, this is a great way to help educate them. Is book will provide an education on the American educational system like no other can.
John’s book gave me wings. It explained to me all the things that I knew was wrong with the public school system but just couldn’t quite put my finger on.
If you have not read "The Underground History of American Education," you are not fully educated. Don’t miss out on some lively discussion and encouragement while we tackle this informative book together.
The entire book is now available online, though after you read it, you may want a copy for your library. I pull mine out regularly.
See you on EduTalk.