Hail the mighty Salmon

Salmon is so good for you and so yummy. Unfortunately, our days of eating Salmon are gone forever. The oceans have become so contaminated that all the fish are dying. I’m heartbroken.

We had bought some salmon prior to the Fukushima meltdown.  It was double-bagged and kept in the bottom of the freezer. We’ve used a little of  it every couple years to  wean ourselves off of this amazing food.  It’s been five years and it still looks good. I’m amazed. As I post this, we are preparing to smoke it for bagel sandwiches.

I used to work in Old Town Sacramento at Laszlo’s Gourmet Smoked Fish. I swear it was the best smoked fish I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.  Since the business is no longer open, I see no reason not to publish the simple recipe:

Smoke Salmon Recipe
1 cup Soy Sauce
2 cups Apple Juice (or Apple Cider)
½ pound Brown Sugar

You may have to double or triple the recipe based on the amount of fish you’re making. The  brine should just cover the fish.  Soak the fish in the brine overnight. Smoke in your smoker for at least 6-8 hours. This is the bomb!

For bagel sandwiches, spread cream cheese on your favorite toasted bagel. We make ours from scratch. Top with capers, thinly sliced tomato and onion. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

If you were unaware of the damage being done in the Pacific Ocean, check out the links below.

I believe our government is lying to us about the radiation levels in not only the salmon, but other fish as well, and by the time the government warns us about it, the damage will be long done. I would rather take a “let’s wait and see” attitude. If after a few years we don’t see a huge increase in cancer rates, I will start eating salmon again.  But wait, aren’t we already seeing an uptick in cancer?

Vote No on SB 277

Vote NO on SB 277 — Currently in CA, there is a bill before the legislature, SB 277, which would eliminate a parent’s right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. Only a medical exemption would remain, which is usually only issued after a catastrophic adverse vaccine reaction has occurred, and often times, not even then.

Gardasil vaccine and box

Gardasil vaccine

Should this bill become law, it will apply to ALL students in California, whether they are enrolled in public school, private school, and parochial or religious school.  Children whose parents refuse  any  (or all) government mandated vaccines will be segregated and forced to home school. Be aware, however, that under California law home schools are considered private schools, so this, too, may not allow families to opt out of vaccines.

Here’s a list of only a few of the controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, aborted human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains.  

The only two versions of the MMR vaccine available today contain human diploid lung fibroblasts, which are cells that were grown from aborted fetal tissue. Religious parents who do not want to inject their children with aborted fetal tissue cells should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Three of the polio vaccines currently on the market contain cells grown from African green monkeys. Parents opposed to animal cruelty, those who are vegan, and those who do not want the cells of other animals injected into their children should have the right to forgo these vaccines.

Vaccine Injections:  In addition to fetal tissue, some believe that God does not want their bodies or the bodies of their babies injected with neurotoxins, heavy metals, animal tissues, genetically modified organisms, live or attenuated viruses, cleansers, adjuvants, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. or to otherwise be created or altered by man.

They believe that those substances compromise their immune systems and destroy their health. They believe that there is nothing in vaccines that improves their health, and that God designed their bodies to function perfectly well without injecting foreign and toxic substances directly into their blood supply. And they believe that doing so violates the will of God.

There is no place for forced vaccination (or any other medical procedure) in a free society.

For more information —  Vaccine Fact Summary

Listen to this recording of Gary Null

Vaccination Fact vs. Fiction

Who are they kidding?  The only people that get whooping cough are those that have been vaccinated. This is nothing but brain-washing.

“New data suggests that anti-vaccine activists may be influencing a growing number of affluent parents into opting out of immunization shots for their children.  Epidemiologist Lolita McDavid with the Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland joins to help discern vaccine facts vs. fiction.”

The problem is parents  are getting informed and the vaccine manufacturers are losing money.  It’s all about the money.  They don’t care how many children die, just so long as they make a buck. This is nothing but propaganda.

Watch this video and tell me they aren’t doing this on purpose.  It’s just not possible.


Do your homework! Please your children are depending on you to protect them.