It’s time to decide…

Flintstones Vitamins Contain GMO's

Listen, the only way we are going to get rid of genetically modified food is to stop buying it. I know how hard it is, trust me.  My husband and I have been struggling.  We love to go to Taco Bell.

When they find the market has dried up for this crap, we’ll get real food again.  If we don’t stop this experiment soon, it will be too late.  I mean they are purposely giving us breast cancer and making us sterile and no one seems to care.

Please watch this.  If this doesn’t piss you off, you are beyond hope.

The leaders of Big Agriculture–Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta–are determined that world’s populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.

This award-winning documentary, Seeds of Death, exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet’s future if Big Agriculture’s new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.

Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Seeds of Destruction

I like this comment…

Buy groceries from Trader Joe’s brands which are non-GMO! Support those companies who care for you – boycott those companies who disregard your health, but prefer to fill their bank account at your expense.

And this one.  Want to move?

Makes me proud that Ireland is GMO free

Educate yourself.  Do all you can for yourself. There are lots more of us than their are of them.  Use your voice, call, write letters.  Expose them every chance you can.

I’ve been calling the companies that make the products we use.  Did you know Ocean Mist lettuce is a natural product, made with non-gmo seed?  It’s important to identify these companies and support them.

I am convinced that if we don’t make changes soon, it will be too late.  Matthew 24:22 says,  “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”  Could this be what the Bible was talking about?  I don’t know, but I’m very worried and you should be too.

Please watch the video and share it.  You decide.


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Fracking for Natural Gas?

When I first heard the term fracking, I thought surely it was an isolated event.  However, looking at this map, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe how many and how vast they were.

Fracking and drinking water map: a map showing where fracking pollutes the most rivers in the usa

This reminds me of when I was investigating the disappearing ice in Alaska and other places around the world.  I am convinced that part of the problems with the disappearing ice is all the holes they have punched in the ice.

They drill ice cores in the ice, drilling down under the guise of testing the ice cores, what they don’t tell you is that every one of the ice cores that they drill opens the ice up to premature melting, because it has more surface area to melt.

They have taken hundreds of thousands of these ice cores, causing more of the ice to melt more quickly.  So, instead of studying the ice cores they are actually speeding up the disappearance of the ice!

If you haven’t done your homework on this one, don’t wait too long.  Not only is your water being polluted but the amount of chemicals used in the process is unbelievable and we could start having MORE earthquakes as a result.

Within the central and Eastern United States, more than 300 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater were recorded from 2010 through 2012, compared to an average rate of 21 earthquakes per year from 1967 to 2000, he noted in a review study on human-induced earthquakes published today in  Science.

In southern California, researchers have found a correlation between seismic activity and a geothermal power plant that pumps water out of an underground reservoir to produce steam that spins electricity generating turbines and then returns most of the water back underground. [Read more…]

We still have to live on this planet and just because we can do something, doesn’t me we should.  We need to protect the earth, because we only have ONE.  When it’s gone, we will be, too.

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Repeal the Monsanto Protection Act

What a joke.  They are never going to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act and I’ll tell you why.  The chemical company is in bed with most of our politicians.  They can say their going to repeal it:  â€˜Monsanto Protection Act’ might be repealed in Senate, but it’s never going to happen.

English: GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anb...

GMO cultivation 2009 Deutsch: GVO Anbauflächen


  1. The Monsanto Protection Act was only enacted for 6-months and then it expires.
  2. By the time the Senators get around to doing anything it will die of natural causes.

In the meantime…

Monsanto has lots of court cases pending.  I’m certain that one of them, is the reason for the bill.  If the court rules against them, Monsanto won’t lose a dime.

Supreme Court Docket

I just wish the media would tell the truth, instead of half-truths and outright lies.  We have a lot of deception going on by everyone in government and the media, and for that matter congress.  It’s bad enough trying to make sense of what’s going on, but it’s really challenging when you have the whole establishment working again you.

I wish someone would create a law that would require lawmakers to actually READ each and every bill, BEFORE it can be voted on.  This is really where we need to start, legislators need to be held accountable for the bills the vote for.  Right now, there is no  accountability.

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