It’s obvious to me that people are confused, and I must admit I was too. Global warming is true, but not for the reasons they claim. The earth most certainly is getting warmer, because the government along with the air force and others are making it warmer.
HAARP antenna array
It works like this. Our ozone is being depleted, the sun appears hotter because our protection is dwindling and in some instances – gone. They come to the rescue with planes loaded with a chemical concoction that is sprayed into the atmosphere, shielding us from the sun. This is incredibly cheap, because they use mostly waste products that they would have to otherwise pay to dispose of.
The stuff falls to earth, we breath it in with every breath we take. Our obituaries are full of people with lung problems.
That’s only half the story. They use HAARP and their vast array of electrical devices to manipulate the weather causing drought or floods, snow or sleet. They are trying to hide the changes to our weather. They are calling for snow this weekend, in June. It’s not natural, it’s an illusion the powers that be will play until the last minute.
So, watch this video, but ignore the part about how it’s getting colder. Don’t believe me? Do your own research, I have.
Ignore the stupid title. Who comes up with this stuff anyway?
Antibacterial Finished Acrylic Medium Weight Yarn! WHY?
Use margarine, not butter. Use Canola oil, not lard. Don’t use salt it’s bad for you… The list goes on and on. It’s all been a lie, just to sell us more stuff. Well, you know that antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer, and the wipes they tell us we need? You guessed it, all lies. Listen to this…
The biggest marketing scam about these antibacterial soaps is that “they keep the germs at bay, protecting the individual from sickness.” This marketing lie tries to completely hide the fact that the average human comes into contact with hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses daily, and it’s the human immune system that prevents the illness, not the toxic soap. The only thing the soap does is encourage bacteria strains to adapt and grow smarter and stronger, allowing new super-bugs to attack the immune system later on with more force and variability.
On top of that, methylisothiazolinone-laced products incite nerve damage. Similar in chemical structure to Agent Orange, the toxic soap preservative is often dished out on the American dinner table, as a thin layer of dish soap poison. The nerve toxin is so dangerous, Japan’s Standard for Cosmetics restricts its use in body care, while Canada has placed the toxic preservative on its Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetics Ingredients list. [Read more…]
If you haven’t already started, take a look at the things you buy. What’s in them? These are not just harmless little chemicals. They have lasting repercussions. All those chemicals that you can’t pronounce are causing allergic rashes, they contaminate the drinking water, harm the fish and wreck havoc on the environment.
There are alternatives. I’ve started making my own laundry soap. It’s so cheap. There are tons of recipes, so don’t be afraid to experiment. I think I’ll try this one next. This is an awesome shampoo but there are many others. You pay a little more, use a little less, the environment and your health wins.
So long as they can make a buck off us, they will keep producing garbage. You deserve the best and your health may depend on it, so demand only the best. You are worth it!
As for me? I am getting as dirty as possible. I believe those germs can keep me from getting sick. So, I’m trying to get back to nature. Try something new!
These articles might scare the pants off of you, but you need to know…
I used to be a very conservative Republican, until I woke up and realized all the games being played by the politicians, the corporations and those with power and money. I still can’t believe the way the Republicans behaved during the last election. [Read: Republican National Convention Rules Changes and Dirty Tricks]
The general gist of the idea as it was portrayed by the people who were behind the proposed rules changes was to prevent a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and the National Convention by members of the Ron Paul contingent, the Ron Paul Revolution and the Campaign for Liberty. And without Mr. Blackwell present who is by no means a Ron Paul supporter and the members of the Virginia delegation present, the resistance to the proposed rules changes just faded away.
So what are the rules that were at issue and how were they changed? The two rules that were at stake were Rule #12 and Rule #15. Generally the changes in the rules shift power from the State and County Republican Parties to the National Party and the RNC, and to the Party’s Presidential nominee. That would be Mitt Romney. The changes in the rules are already being referred to as “The Romney Rules.” They effectively disenfranchise conservative activists of all kinds all across America. They disenfranchise TEA Party Activists, and not just Ron Paul supporters! Both the TEA Party Movement and the Ron Paul supporters sprung up as a result of the intransigence of the old school, old paradigm politicians, but instead of listening to the growing cries from the grassroots, the Establishment essentially muted the volume and turned them flat down!
Needless to say, I’m never voting for them again! It’s just not going to happen. Period.
But I’m curious. That wasn’t fair, honest and upright. Where is the law? You read about all these crimes being committed by government officials but they are not being prosecuted. Why not? Are the police so busy busting drug “offenders” that they can’t find the time to bust the ones who are really hurting people?
So, I switched to the Libertarian Party. I agree with them on most stances, except I am not for gay rights. The gay rights movement has harmed more people than it’s helped. As more and more of our children get caught up in the lies, being taught to them beginning as early as Kindergarten about their bodies. It’s just not normal to educate children on this topic so young and by presenting it as natural or normal we may as well be encouraging it. Tipping the scales.
Any parent knows that children are easily manipulated.
I’m so fed up because I don’t fit in anywhere. I hate what Obama has done to our country. I hate that he’s not being held accountable and his supporters are not being held accountable. The only thing that gives me hope is the American People. I know have seen them rise to the occasion and turn things around. And with God all things are possible. I have not lost faith in this country or it’s people.
Think you couldn’t live without money? Irishman Mark Boyle challenged this notion and here’s how he finds life with no financial income, bank balance, and no spending.
“If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal.” According to Boyle, the plan back then was to ‘get a good job’, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society he was successful.
[Read more]
I think the Democrats have great ideas when it comes to the environment and the foods we eat. They’ve introduced bills to label GMO’s. Wonder why no one is talking about banning GMO’s? This big huge fight over a label? Get real. They simply don’t care. They aren’t serious about protecting us, the people. The Green Party is just the opposite, they care only about the environment.
We have to live here. People matter!
We need to do what’s best for wildlife, people and the environment. Obviously, poisoning our land, the place we live, is not a good idea. The ocean has been irradiated, ocean life are dead or dying. What is being done? Our government isn’t even talking about it. Nothing.
We must be the change we want to see in the world. It’s a process but we have to start somewhere. Look around you. What can you do?