Global weather anomalies

It’s obvious to me that people are confused, and I must admit I was too. Global warming is true, but not for the reasons they claim. The earth most certainly is getting warmer, because the government along with the air force and others are making it warmer.

English: HAARP antenna array

HAARP antenna array

It works like this.  Our ozone is being depleted, the sun appears hotter because our protection is dwindling and in some instances – gone.  They come to the rescue with planes loaded with a chemical concoction that is sprayed into the atmosphere, shielding us from the sun.  This is incredibly cheap, because they use mostly waste products that they would have to otherwise pay to dispose of.

The stuff falls to earth, we breath it in with every breath we take.  Our obituaries are full of people with lung problems.

That’s only half the story. They use HAARP and their vast array of electrical devices to manipulate the weather causing drought or floods, snow or sleet. They are trying to hide the changes to our weather. They are calling for snow this weekend, in June. It’s not natural, it’s an illusion the powers that be will play until the last minute.

So, watch this video, but ignore the part about how it’s getting colder.  Don’t believe me?  Do your own research, I have.

Ignore the stupid title.  Who comes up with this stuff anyway?

Hail the mighty Salmon

Salmon is so good for you and so yummy. Unfortunately, our days of eating Salmon are gone forever. The oceans have become so contaminated that all the fish are dying. I’m heartbroken.

We had bought some salmon prior to the Fukushima meltdown.  It was double-bagged and kept in the bottom of the freezer. We’ve used a little of  it every couple years to  wean ourselves off of this amazing food.  It’s been five years and it still looks good. I’m amazed. As I post this, we are preparing to smoke it for bagel sandwiches.

I used to work in Old Town Sacramento at Laszlo’s Gourmet Smoked Fish. I swear it was the best smoked fish I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.  Since the business is no longer open, I see no reason not to publish the simple recipe:

Smoke Salmon Recipe
1 cup Soy Sauce
2 cups Apple Juice (or Apple Cider)
½ pound Brown Sugar

You may have to double or triple the recipe based on the amount of fish you’re making. The  brine should just cover the fish.  Soak the fish in the brine overnight. Smoke in your smoker for at least 6-8 hours. This is the bomb!

For bagel sandwiches, spread cream cheese on your favorite toasted bagel. We make ours from scratch. Top with capers, thinly sliced tomato and onion. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

If you were unaware of the damage being done in the Pacific Ocean, check out the links below.

I believe our government is lying to us about the radiation levels in not only the salmon, but other fish as well, and by the time the government warns us about it, the damage will be long done. I would rather take a “let’s wait and see” attitude. If after a few years we don’t see a huge increase in cancer rates, I will start eating salmon again.  But wait, aren’t we already seeing an uptick in cancer?

Monsanto Doesn’t Care. Listen!

I’ve been listening to the Monsanto Annual Shareholders Meeting, just what I wanted to do. Not! I’ve been keeping tabs on various companies for years and you have to get to know them, listen to them, and understand how they think.

David Clevinger spoke from Texas  [starting at 52.54],  a grower of Monsanto products.  You’ve got to listen to this man. Not only is he wrong about glyphosate, it’s harming him and his family. He is just plain wrong headed.

The only way they can afford to sell this GMO crap is because it’s government subsidized. Organic farmers have to pay a price to call themselves ‘Organic’. This, in turn, drives up the price of organic. Organic food should be cheaper to buy than GMO, or at least conventionally-grown, fruits and vegetables. It’s a scam, and if we refused to buy the GMO “simulated” food it would not be long before their whole scam would come crumbling down. Listen to what he says, it’s infuriating!

Monsanto has no integrity… Nothing to watch, but please take an  hour and a half  and listen to this. You can listen in the bathroom, in the car, while you’re cooking. You can even fast forward through some of it. 🙂

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to their words.  Do they convince you of their sincerity and honesty? Buy organic and right the food world.  Together, we can do it. Dump GMO!