Keep the Kids Home
American Family Association: Keep your students home on “Day of Silence”. Let your school officials know that if they are going to allow social and political action in class, your child will not be there.
Many public schools across the nation are planning to allow students affiliated with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) to sponsor a “Day of Silence” on April 16, 2010.
Cooperating schools will allow students and teachers who support the homosexual agenda to remain silent during instructional time. The AFA is joining many other pro-family organizations around the country in calling for families to pull their students out of participating schools that day.
AFA president Tim Wildmon said, “No school should allow an organization like GLSEN to hijack classroom instructional time for political purposes. This turns taxpayer-funded government schools into propaganda forums for promoting homosexuality and cross-dressing. No right-thinking school officials should allow the educational environment to be prostituted in this way.
“We urge parents to contact school officials to find out if they’re allowing the ‘Day of Silence,’ and then send a letter explaining their student’s absence if the school does allow homosexual activists to politicize the campus and disrupt the learning environment their students need.”
Parents must actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes. Please join the national effort to restore to public education a proper understanding of the role of government-subsidized schools.
Wildmon added one additional thought: “The American College of Pediatricians just sent a letter to all 14,800 school district superintendents in the country warning them that most sexual confusion is resolved by the time students pass through puberty, and if students self-identify as homosexual too early, they are at great risk of experiencing severe emotional and physical health problems. We love kids too much to let them be brainwashed into this lifestyle without a peep of protest.”
Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issues analysis, said, “The most effective way parents can protest this misuse of their tax dollars is to keep their students home. Most school districts receive state funds based on average daily attendance, and so absent students directly affect their bottom line. Money talks, especially in our economy right now. Parents can make it easy and financially beneficial for schools to do the right thing, and can hit them in the wallet if they won’t.”
Contact: Cindy Roberts
American Family Association
662-844-5036 (ext. #227)