Ron Paul Tonight

You may recall that back on January 22, 2007, I mentioned that Congressman Ron Paul had tossed his hat in the ring and will run on the Republican platform for President in 2008.

Since writing that post I am surprised to find out just how many people have no idea who Dr. Ron Paul is. Especially since I’ve been following his career for many years nows.

I admit I was wrong — totally wrong when I supported our current President when he ran for President way back in 2000. It is one of the few regrets I’m forced to live with.

With that being said, you will be happy to know that I always learn from my own mistakes and a vote for Ron Paul is one of the best things you could ever do for this country and for yourself. He stands for freedom and believes in our Constitution. He has worked hard to stand up our Constitution as a Texas Congressman. Be sure to follow the links below to find out more.

I encourage you to get to know more about Dr. Ron Paul and lend him your support. Help him bring about real change in 2008. You won’t want to miss this special opportunity to join a teleconference — scheduled for tonight.

Press Release

We are going to have a very special call tonight. Our guest speaker is the one and only Dr Ron Paul. (AKA Dr. No for voting against all unconstitutional bills.)

The call will start at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time Thursday the 15th of Feb. This is a nationwide conference call and there will lots of people camping onto the line.

You will dial in this number (605) 475-8500
Then enter our room code, 5528750.

You may get instructions to announce yourself but do not do that. Please mute your line as soon as you get on the call. Mute your call by pressing * 2. (Un-mute by pressing *3)

Do not pipe in with questions or comments.

Ron Paul has accepted an invitation to participate in the first national presidential debate in New Hampshire on Wednesday, April 4. It will be hosted by Wolf Blitzer and will be carried on CNN TV, radio, and from 7-9 p.m. EST.

You are in the right place at the right time with the right movement.

One people, One movement, Freedom for all.

Thank you,
Henry Nicolle
America: Freedom to Fascism
California Volunteer Coordinator
POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005)
Phone: (805) 758-4446

Additional Information